Instructional Video

EconMovies 6: Back to the Future (Nominal vs. Real, Unemployment, Inflation)

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This EconMovies 6: Back to the Future (Nominal vs. Real, Unemployment, Inflation) instructional video also includes:

Here is a gem of a resource for you and your learners to learn about nominal vs. real GDP and the different types of unemployment using clips from the film Back to the Future.  This engaging presenter reviews the goals of an economy, how to adjust for inflation when considering GDP, frictional/structural/cyclical unemployment, and GDP per capita. 

48 Views 19 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Classroom Considerations
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Great starting point for a more in-depth look at these economic concepts
  • Well-chosen clips from film to illustrate concepts
  • Queue to skip third-party advertisement at beginning of movie
  • Class members should have some foundational knowledge of such concepts as GDP
Common Core