Lesson Plan

What Were They Thinking? Why Some Some Alabamians Opposed the 19th Amendment

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This What Were They Thinking? Why Some Some Alabamians Opposed the 19th Amendment lesson plan also includes:

To better understand the debate over the 19th Amendment, class members examine two primary source documents that reveal some of the social, economic, racial, and political realities of the time period.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Use the images of women's clothing during this period to launch a discussion of how ideas and values, like clothing, can change over time
Classroom Considerations
  • A protocol for the safe and respectful discussion of controversial issues must be in place before beginning the discussion of the primary source materials in this packet

The 12-page packet includes links to the images, background information, step-by-step directions for the lesson, discussion questions, the persuasive essay prompt, and a rubric

  • None
Common Core