Lesson Plan

A Guide to the Works of Jacqueline Woodson

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This A Guide to the Works of Jacqueline Woodson lesson plan also includes:

The works of Jacqueline Woodson introduce readers to diverse characters and themes. A guide covers many of the author's best-known books such as Brown Girl Dreaming and Locomotion. Dive & Discuss and Explore & Extend activities accompany each title, while larger thematic descriptions appear before each level of text.

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Read news articles on race, racism, and other themes that appear in the texts
  • Create a character analysis graphic organizer to help analyze Woodson's complex characters 
Classroom Considerations
  • Features titles for a range of grades from lower elementary through high school
  • Groups texts by type (picture book, middle grade book, etc.)
  • Highlights key skills covered in each set of lesson plans
  • Lacks full lesson plans for each book