Lesson Plan

Healthy Body Image: A Lesson Plan for Middle School Students

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Healthy Body Image: A Lesson Plan for Middle School Students lesson plan also includes:

This is a very valuable instructional activity for middle schoolers on the importance of maintaining a healthy body image through diet, exercise, and positive mentality. The resource includes four lesson plans. The first two plans outline the physical growth and development of adolescents (changes in height, weight, and weight distribution) and prompts learners to question the ideal body image projected in advertisements and in the media. The last two lesson plans consider the major tenets of healthy diet and activity.

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  • Each lesson plan includes facilitator's notes and clear description of purpose, materials, activities, and take-home message
  • Excellent discussion questions
  • Valuable figures regarding adolescent physical growth and development included
  • Information regarding diet based on food pyramid is outdated
  • Some exercises in fourth lesson plan and additional resource, such as those involving machinery, may not be appropriate or applicable to your class