Lesson Plan

Literature and Imagination Make Democracy Work

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Literature and Imagination Make Democracy Work lesson plan also includes:

The final activity in the "What Makes Democracy Work?" series examines the connections between imagination, literature, and democracy. Class members listen to a podcast, read an excerpt from Azar Nafisi's, The Republic of Imagination, and consider how literature permits readers to experience the world from different perspectives. The activity ends with a discussion of Nafisi's argument that literature can not only change how we perceive and act toward others but how we perceive participation in democracy as well.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Create a listening guide to help learners stay focused while listening to the podcast
  • Pause the audio frequently to check for understanding and permit listeners to ask questions
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires copies of the excerpt from The Republic of Imagination
  • Underscores the need for a free press and free access to the arts
  • None