Lesson Plan

Mirroring Emotions

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Mirroring Emotions lesson plan also includes:

Do you ever give your class the "teacher look"? Without saying a word, they become silent and engaged (hopefully). How do they know what you're thinking? Explore the concept of nonverbal communication and how it relates to our mirror neurons in this activity. Learners view video clips and react to the images, while a group of observers mimics their reactions only by watching their facial expressions. The teacher's guide includes detailed instructions, video links, and ideas for further study.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Have student groups access videos, if possible; if computers or tablets are not available in a sufficient number, the teacher can project the media
Classroom Considerations
  • Take a moment to view all of the videos suggested within the lesson plan to ensure that the subject matter is appropriate for the class
  • Be aware that individuals feel comfortable expressing different levels of emotion among peers; urge viewers and observers to react as genuinely as possible for better data
  • Subject matter is easy to relate to, engaging, and opens the doors to further study
  • Lesson can be performed a few different ways, depending upon your classroom setup and available technology
  • The resources required to complete the activity are all located within the plan
  • None