Lesson Plan

Optics and Anthony Johnson

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Message sending has come a long way since the days of Morse code's dots and dashes. Young scientists study the research of optical physicist Anthony Johnson and his work in fiber optics, lasers, and the principle of total internal reflection, all of which make sending messages almost instantaneous. The lesson plan begins with information about Johnson's education through the Cooperative Research Fellowship Program (CRFP) at Bell Labs at its support of minorities in science. The lesson plan then continues with a demonstration of the total internal reflection phenomenon.

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CCSS: Designed
NGSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Set aside extra prep time to collect and prepare materials
  • Invite a fiber optics researcher to speak with the class  about their work
Classroom Considerations
  • Materials required for the lesson include LED flashlights or lasers, fiber optic cables, and empty plastic soda bottles
  • Includes an optional activity that has class members complete a Morse code worksheet
  • None