Unit Plan

Poetry…Do I Dare?

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Poetry…Do I Dare? unit plan also includes:

Whether you're considering a poetry unit or just want to incorporate more poetry in your curriculum, this unit plan is a must-have. Packed with poems, teaching points, powerful prompts, and poetry performance suggestions, the resource is practical and profound.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Host a school-wide slam poetry event
  • Have class members collect and publish their own illustrated poetry book
Classroom Considerations
  • The resource may be used as the basis of a poetry unit or the lessons interspersed over the course of the school year
  • The 129-page sample unit plan includes lessons, ideas for culminating projects, a list of recommended poems and poetry books, a glossary of terms, graphic organizers designed to be used with poetry, and writing prompts 
  • None
Common Core