Lesson Plan

Poetry Portfolios: Using Poetry to Teach Reading

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Poetry Portfolios: Using Poetry to Teach Reading lesson plan also includes:

Over the course of five periods, scholars create a poetry portfolio. They begin with a reading of the poem, Firefly. With a focus on vocabulary, learners reread the poem then look for sight words and other skills. 

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CCSS: Designed
Instructional Ideas
  • Keep the poetry folder to have on display during Open House or at Parent Teacher Conferences 
  • Continue adding to the poetry portfolio by following the lesson using a different poem
  • Choose poems based on reading level, divide the class into homogenous groups and direct them to analyze a poem written at their level; roam to assist all groups or work with groups that require additional support 
Classroom Considerations
  • The lesson's duration is split over five days in 15-minute increments 
  • Prep, such as posters print-outs, is required 
  • Tabs quickly take you to different parts of the lesson plan 
  • Comes with a homework portion and extension activities 
  • The lesson works around any skill you are currently teaching the class 
  • None