
The Economic System of Medieval Europe

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This The Economic System of Medieval Europe activity also includes:

How are economics and politics intertwined? Societies in the Medieval period used feudalism for both economic and military reasons. The arrangement provided safety and met other needs. Using the included simulation, individuals understand how authority shifted during the period to meet the needs of the market by paying serfs using new farming innovations. 

1 Collection 166 Views 49 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Use the role play in class to evaluate how different economic markets function
Classroom Considerations
  • 14th of 23 lesson plans from the Council for Economic Education
  • Lesson plan is similar to others in the series
  • PowerPoint and reading are age appropriate and adaptable for a variety of uses
  • Instructions for role play are unclear and may be difficult to execute
Common Core