Study Guide

War Horse: Novel Study

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This War Horse: Novel Study study guide also includes:

Some war heroes have four legs. War Horse tells of a courageous foal taken from his farm and sent into war. Joey, the foal, loves and touches the lives of many soldiers. However, his heart is still with his boy back on the farm. Scholars read about the horse tales, complete sentences using vocabulary words, answer comprehension questions, and describe characters to better understand the story.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Include in a unit with other horse novels like Black Stallion
Classroom Considerations
  • Asks learners to use the library or Internet resources
  • Gives only a preview to a full novel study
  • Familiarizes readers with horse terms
  • Includes a creative group activity
  • None