How Much Do You Know?

How much do you know about matter? Answer a few short questions before viewing "Matter Matters; you'll get another chance to answer them after watching the video.

1. Matter is anything that has __________ and takes up ____________.

2. ___________ is the amount of space taken up by something.

3. What are the three states of matter?

4. Does air count as matter if it can't be seen? Why or why not?

Once you finish the questions, take a moment to assess your knowledge on the topic.

5 - I know everything about the states of matter.

4 - I've learned about the states of matter before, and I remember a lot of it.

3 - I've heard of the states of matter but I could use a review.

2 - I've heard of matter but don't remember anything about it.

1 - I've never heard of the states of matter before.