Lesson Plan

Coping Skills

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

A lesson challenges scholars to identify life stressors and list ways to cope. Learners create a "Coping with Emotions" book detailing the importance of responsibly working through our feelings.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Invite the school's psychologist to assist in the lesson and offer professional tips to cope with stress
  • Encourage pupils to keep their books in a safe place where they can easily refer back to them at home or school
Classroom Considerations
  • The third of 12 lessons in a social-emotional learning series
  • Bringing up stressors may be triggering; keep an eye out and assist learners as needed 
  • Requires board or chart paper, three sheets of paper per participant, and coloring supplies
  • The book portion can be completed individually or in small groups
  • Emphasizes the importance of sharing feelings
  • None