More Testimonials

Lesson Planet helps me find quality lessons I need to prepare my students for state assessment tests.

Jamie G.
Groton, MA
I find great ideas via Lesson Planet - especially when I am 'stuck' and looking for something different to use.

Denae A.
Beeville, TX
Lesson Planet makes planning easier because I can search for lessons by topics and by grade levels.

Deborah H.
Montgomery, AL
Lesson Planet makes my work easier.

Kim J.
Philadelphia, PA
Being a first year teacher Lesson Planet has really helped in creating fun, hands on activities that really keep the students interest.

Sue S.
Peekskill, NY
Lesson Planet helps me by cutting down my search for great lesson plans. It takes me directly to the BEST lessons plans.

Tonya A.
Smithdale, MS
Lesson Planet allows me to implement tried and tested lessons, enables me to adapt my own ideas as well as giving me the confidence to try new/creative ideas that I may not have tried.

Gloria A.
London, England
This is an excellent site! I am so thrilled to be a part of it.

Pamela H.
Winston - Salem, NC
Lesson Planet is an incredible database for teachers of old and new.

Jordan G.
Golden, MS
Being a member of Lesson Planet really helps me to see what other teachers are doing in their classroom. The ideas found are helping our school to build a well-rounded curriculum.

Lindsay T.
Lesson Planet helps me a lot because I can find new ideas to development my lessons.

Elba V.
Bronx, NY
Lesson Planet is a lifesaver.

Bruno G.
Torornto, Canada
Lesson Planet is very helpful in organizing class material, lecture planning and providing new teaching ideas.

Theologos P.
Volos, Greece
It saves soooo much time!

Lisa J.
Sanborn, NY
I don't have to come up with everything from scratch. I can take a lesson found via Lesson Planet and tweak it to meet my individual needs.

Megan D.
Post Falls, ID
I love this site. It has helped me supplement my curriculum in all subject areas.

Madeline H.
Prospect Park, PA
By researching lesson plans and adapting them to the age ranges that I teach, I am able to present fun and challenging lessons for my students.

Paula B.
Bakersfield, CA
Lesson Planet helps me find fabulous ideas for helping my students.

Melissa H.
Rochelle, IL
Lesson Planet allows me to find meaningful lesson plans and adapt them to the resources we have at our school.

John S.
New Hampton, NH
I love it, I am student teaching and Lesson Planet gives me all sorts of new ideas!

Dana E.
Indianapolis, IN
Lesson Planet is a wonderful resource for finding and putting together fun and educational lessons!! It save me time and headaches!

Stephanie W.
Lino Lakes, MN
My Lesson Planet membership has been an invaluable asset to my teaching experience.

Tahrah L.
Randlett, UT
Lesson Planet is a breath of fresh air for new ideas and approaches! It keeps teachers' brain cells 'massaged' with innovations and creativity!

Beverly I.
Jackson, MI
Lesson Planet provides me with a ton of ideas, and has helped make my job more managable.

Melissa S.
Lincoln Park, NJ
Lesson Planet allows me to easily find lessons that fit our state curriculum.

Angela B.
Wichita Falls, TX
Lesson Planet saves time. I can now spend the time with the students.

Mary J.
Indianapolis, IN
Fabulous ideas, great selection, effective search engine.

Robin C.
Perth, Australia
I find many wonderful lesson plans that I can utilize in my classroom. This has helped me greatly in my student teaching.

Antoinette V.
Burtchville Twp, MI
Lesson Planet saves me time. I don't have to reinvent the wheel. I can use lessons as they are listed or I can modify them to meet the needs of my students.

Shannel D.
Great website - as a graduate teacher, it's just so easy to have an unlimited supply of lessons right at my fingertips.

Emma P.
Shepparton, Australia

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