Lesson Plan

A Trait Accompli: An Introduction to Mendelian Genetics

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Young scientists learn the laws of genetics through data collection and research. They use discussions and online resources to develop an understanding of the related vocabulary.
Lesson Plan
Towson University

Mystery Disease

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
How did scientists determine the cause of illness before technology? Science scholars play the role of medical researcher in an engaging guided inquiry activity. Using observations, technical reading, and Punnett squares, learners...
Lesson Plan
Towson University

Mystery of the Crooked Cell

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Can your class solve the Mystery of the Crooked Cell? Junior geneticists collaborate to learn about sickle cell anemia in a fascinating lesson plan. The included materials help them to examine the genetic factors behind the disease...
Biology Corner

Pipe Cleaner Babies

For Students 9th - 12th
Ever been told you have your father's eyes? How did it happen? Young biologists get a hands-on experience in meiotic gene expression with a fun pairs-based activity. Participants use pipe cleaner chromosomes with trait beads to make...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Where'd You Get Those Genes?

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Really a unit, this resource exposes middle schoolers to genetics at their level. They read interviews and biographies, trace a family tree, play games that simulate inheritance concepts, and more! Teacher's procedures, student...
Curated OER

Dragon Genetics ~ Independent Assortment and Genetic Linkage

For Students 9th - Higher Ed
Imagine a pair of dragons that produce offspring. What percentage of the hatchlings have wings and large antlers? An engaging activity draws genetics learners in, introduces them to alleles, meiosis, phenotypes, genotypes, and teaches...
Curated OER

Dragon Genetics - Understanding Inheritance

For Students 7th - 12th
Six pages begin with a detailed introduction to meiosis and homologous chromosome pairs. Instructions guide learners through a simulation in which they draw craft sticks marked with autosomes in order to decode the genes inherited by...
Curated OER

Gregor Mendel: Monk and Scientist

For Teachers 7th
This is a visually attractive PowerPoint that summarizes the life of Gregor Mendel and the genetic traits that he detailed.  Each slide has clear bullet points and lovely images that are helpful and relevant
Biology Junction

Mendelian Genetics

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Over the course of seven years, Gregor Mendel grew more than 28,000 pea plants. The large amount of data he collected led him to postulate the rules of genetics as we understand them today. Scholars learn about Mendel, genetics, and...
Lesson Plan
Beyond Benign

Kitten Creation

For Students 6th - 8th
Your pupils become geneticists as they create cat offspring. The next lesson in a series continues an exploration of genetic makeup as scholars consider parent traits to build their offspring. Using household items, they create kittens...
Lesson Plan
Beyond Benign

Lucky Brand Genes: Genetic Traits

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Explore single-gene traits in humans. After viewing a video introducing genetic vocabulary, individuals identify their phenotype and possible genotypes of specific traits. They consider both dominant and recessive traits. This is the...
Lesson Plan
Agriculture in the Classroom

Roll of the Genes

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Animal reproduction in sheep and cattle is explored with the help of Punnet squares. Scholars employ tools using probability to conclude the color of wool a sheep's offspring will have. Acting as animal geneticists, pupils then take...
Howard Hughes Medical Institute

How Do Fibers Form?

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
The proteins inside a cell determine the shape of the cell. While most red blood cells have a circular shape, those with sickle cell take the shape of a sickle. This change in shape causes multiple issues in the system. Scholars solve...
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Chromosomes Carry Genes

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Some traits only exist in males and some only in females. Pupils learn how the location of genes on sex chromosomes determines them using an interactive lesson. An animation illustrates how scientists know this to be true and shows how...
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory

Genetic Inheritance Follows Rules

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Rules are not meant to be broken in genetics. Scholars learn to build Punnett squares to track the inheritance of dominant and recessive traits in an interactive animation activity. Online questions help individuals reflect on their...

Genetics Review Jeopardy Game

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Why not add a little excitement to review day? Play genetic Jeopardy to quiz your classes before they take the assessment. The resource provides a game board in PowerPoint with questions related to meiosis and prediction of traits.

Genetics Vocabulary Review Game

For Students 9th - 12th
Taboo, anyone?! A vocabulary review lesson asks learners to give their partners clues to help them guess the target word. The catch? There are words that are taboo. If they use the prohibited words, they don't get credit if partners...
Lesson Plan
Kenan Fellows

A Farmer’s Challenge to Breed to the Greatest of Grapes

For Teachers 7th Standards
What does your class know about GMOs? Are they savvy to selective breeding? Challenge young minds to engineer the greatest crop of all time using a hands-on genetics unit. Learners discover the good and bad details of selective breeding,...
Unit Plan
Anthropological Association

Race: Teacher Guide: Race

For Teachers 6th - 8th
How has the concept of race changed over time? Explore the genetic, cultural, and social aspects of race through a series of impactful activities. Scholars discover how race is influenced by inherited traits, examine census records to...
Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

Monster Mash-Up of Genetics

For Teachers 6th - 8th
It's alive! Young mad scientists create monsters as they explore the probabilities of genetic traits during a well-structured inquiry lesson. Pairs travel from station to station, rolling the dice and adding traits to their creations as...
Unit Plan
US National Library of Medicine

Genetic Traits in Harry Potter

For Students 7th - 11th
Explore human genetics through the world of Harry Potter. A thorough lesson develops the introductory concepts of genetics using characters of the popular book series. Learners study topics from DNA and chromosomes to Punnett Squares and...
Unit Plan
Columbus City Schools

Heredity: Traits, Genes, Alleles

For Students 8th Standards
If you knew people would pay extra for a bald dragon, could you pick which parents you should breed in order to get the highest number? The unit examines heredity and genetics through breeding dragons, mice, dogs, and tries to figure...
Lesson Plan
Virginia Department of Education

Mendelian Genetics

For Teachers 9th - 12th
How did Mendel know which pea plants would demonstrate certain characteristics? Pupils explore the answer this question, among others, as they complete Punnet squares, research dominant and recessive traits, and explore hereditary...
US National Library of Medicine

Genetics in Harry Potter’s World Lesson 1

For Teachers 7th - 12th
By the end of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we know Harry and Ginny get married, but what will their kids look like? This presentation introduces viewers to Punnett Squares and how to use them to determine both dominant and...