News Clip12:38
Curated Video

How The Loss Of Local Newspapers Fueled Political Divisions In The U.S.

12th - Higher Ed
Over the past few decades, more than 2,000 newspapers across the country have closed, leaving many communities without a reliable source of local information. Researchers say this crisis in journalism, driven by changes in technology, is...
News Clip7:13

How Pittsburgh is test driving tech to make your commute smarter

12th - Higher Ed
Robotics experts at Carnegie Mellon University are harnessing technology to address the rush-hour traffic that plagues commuters across the country. Using artificial intelligence and existing infrastructure, their software could reshape...
News Clip8:13

Doctors’ Role in Military Interrogation

12th - Higher Ed
Doctors' role in enhanced military interrogation 'clearly violates' ethics
News Clip3:41
Associated Press

Cement is one of the most consumed materials on the planet. It's the foundation for our roads, our sidewalks and our cities. It's also one of the biggest contributors to global warming. But a new product could change that.

Higher Ed
HEADLINE: A concrete solution for global warming CAPTION: Cement is one of the most consumed materials on the planet. It's the foundation for our roads, our sidewalks and our cities. It's also one of the biggest contributors to global...
News Clip3:22
Associated Press

Yellen: Uncertainties Justify Cautious Approach

Higher Ed
Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said Tuesday that the U.S. economy faces a number of uncertainties that require the Fed to proceed cautiously in raising interest rates.In delivering the Fed's twice-a-year economic report to Congress,...
News Clip2:48
Associated Press

Yellen: Uncertainties Justify Cautious Approach

Higher Ed
FOR CLEAN VERSION SEE STORY NUMBER: apus057918Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said Tuesday that the U.S. economy faces a number of uncertainties that require the Fed to proceed cautiously in raising interest rates.In delivering the...
News Clip1:50
Associated Press

The Federal Trade Commission has announced that Apple will pay full refunds to consumers, a minimum of $32.5 million, to settle a complaint the company charged millions of dollars for purchases made in kid's mobile apps without parents' consent. (Jan. 15)

Higher Ed
FOR CLEAN VERSION SEE STORY NUMBER: apus003907 The Federal Trade Commission has announced that Apple will pay full refunds to consumers to settle a complaint the company charged millions of dollars for purchases made in children's mobile...
News Clip2:37
Associated Press

A Wisconsin judge issued a temporary restraining order Friday blocking the state's new and contentious collective bargaining law from taking effect and creating a huge setback for Republican Gov. Scott Walker's plan to balance the budget.

Higher Ed
HEADLINE: Wisc. judge blocks controversial union law CAPTION: A Wisconsin judge issued a temporary restraining order Friday blocking the state's new and contentious collective bargaining law from taking effect and creating a huge setback...
News Clip6:06
Associated Press

Doctors say risks of DVT for most holidaymakers is low

Higher Ed
London, UK, May 26, 2011 1. Close tilt up of clinical scientist Colin Deane demonstrating ultrasound examination for DVT (deep vein thrombosis) 2. Close of Deane 3. Close of ultrasound showing how veins (dark circles) can be compressed...
News Clip4:32
Associated Press


Higher Ed
NASA film on crop dusting research. 1. NASA title "Crop Dusting Research" 2. various of small plane on tarmac, voiceover speaking about spraying crops 3. gv plane taking off 4. gv plane landing 5. cu propeller spinning, zoom out 6. gv...
News Clip2:46
Associated Press

Briefing on launch of spacecraft to measure the sun

Higher Ed
1. Animation showing Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) in orbit near sun 2. Wide of news conference 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Nicholas Chrissotimos, STEREO Project Manager, NASA: "We will be making in situ measurements as...
News Clip4:18
Associated Press

Trump signs order targeting business with NKorea

Higher Ed
STORYLINE: US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday that he signed a new executive order to help the United States target people, companies and banks financing and facilitating trade with North Korea. Speaking at a working lunch...
News Clip2:32
Associated Press

Brown and Mbeki comments on Zimbabwe, Brown on global economy

Higher Ed
1. South African President Thabo Mbeki shaking hands with British Prime Minister Gordon Brown ++MUTE++ 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Thabo Mbeki, South African president: "I think it is time to wait. Let's see the outcome of the election...
News Clip2:49
Associated Press


Higher Ed
English/Nat U-S Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan delivered a sober assessment of the U-S economy to Congress on Wednesday, saying that the sharp slowdown that began in the second half of last year "has yet to run its full course"....
News Clip9:06

Legendary Dancer Baryshnikov

12th - Higher Ed
At the age of 59, ballet dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov is still dancing. He recently opened the Baryshnikov Arts Center in New York City, which provides space and support for creating art.
News Clip2:47
Associated Press


Higher Ed
English/Nat U-S Vice President Al Gore promised stricken Asian economies 10 (b) billion U-S dollars in aid, but enraged the Malaysian government by praising the country's dissidents. In a speech before Asian leaders and businessmen, Gore...
News Clip3:37
Associated Press

The Justice Department is launching a broad investigation into the practices of the Ferguson, Missouri, police department. (Sept. 4)

Higher Ed
The Justice Department is launching a broad investigation into the practices of the Ferguson, Missouri, police department. That's according to Attorney General Eric Holder. He announced the investigation following the shooting last month...
News Clip4:18
Associated Press

Trump Signs Order Targeting Business with NKorea

Higher Ed
U.S. President Donald Trump announced Thursday that he signed a new executive order to help the United States target people, companies and banks financing and facilitating trade with North Korea. Speaking at a working lunch with the...
News Clip6:36
Associated Press

Jordan warned it is getting hotter and drier than anticipated +REPLAY+

Higher Ed
LEADIN: Studies suggest Jordan is being hit hard by climate change, getting hotter and drier than previously anticipated. The warning comes as a separate study by 26 institutions including the WHO and the World Bank finds that global...
News Clip3:04
Associated Press


Higher Ed
English/Nat US Vice President Al Gore has praised the democracy movement in Malaysia and their attempts to gain political reform ahead of the APEC summit in Kuala Lumpur. His comments are sure to anger the government of Mahathir Mohamad....
News Clip1:48
Associated Press


Higher Ed
An interview with a police Lieutenant explaining the computer system called PATRIC, used to trail clues faster. 1. ws police car driving away from camera 2. cu back shot driver in the car talking into radio 3. vs PATRIC control room 4....
News Clip2:29
Associated Press

Chief economist gives latest growth report; comments on Greece

Higher Ed
1. Wide of news conference 2. Pan from reporters and camera in foreground to podium 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Pier Carlo Padoan, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Chief Economist: "So as I said, we are still in difficult...
News Clip3:39
Associated Press

Gaza radio station gives voice to people with disabilities

Higher Ed
A radio station in the Gaza Strip is giving a voice to people with disabilities. Nearly half of the 26 workers at Forsan Al-Irada have a disability. Abdul-Aziz Karim, who has a visual impairment, reads the news on Forsan Al-Irada radio....
News Clip4:10
Associated Press

Obama signs order allowing US to impose sanctions on key sectors of Russian economy

Higher Ed
US President Barack Obama on Thursday expanded US economic sanctions against Moscow, targeting Russian President Vladimir Putin's chief of staff and 19 other individuals as well as a Russian bank that provides them support. Obama,...