Lesson Plan
MENSA Education & Research Foundation

Utopia/Dystopia: The American Dream

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
America was founded by dreamers, and the American dream still resonates in our country today. Track the American dream from its Puritan beginnings to its optimistic descendants with a instructional activity that focuses on speeches by...
University of California

Bread and Circuses: Rome as a Site of Encounter

For Teachers 7th
An intriguing lesson uses 12 Roman artifacts to explain Roman society and politics. Young historians view images of artifacts and learn how each one represents an aspect of Roman society. Academics also complete a hands-on activity to...
Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Year 4: Julius Caesar and Imperial Rome

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
The study of the life of Julius Caesar can be divided into three parts: his early life and military successes, his reign as dictator, and the rise of the Roman Empire after his death. Young scholars demonstrate their mastery of the facts...
Lesson Plan
Teacher Created Materials

The Tragedy of Julius Caesar

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Bring Julius Caesar to life with a reader's theatre approach that engages the entire class. The opening exercises model the importance of reading with expression while choral reading exercises permit class members to practice their...
K5 Learning

The Story of Regulus

For Students 5th
The great Roman general, Regulus, was known for keeping his word. Read about the extent of his honesty in a reading passage about his imprisonment in Carthage, and assess reading skills with four comprehension questions.
Mr. Roughton

Cold Case Rome

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Pupils are transformed into detectives in the case to solve the motive behind the assassination of Julius Caesar. This resource includes eight engaging "exhibits" of unique primary and secondary sources for students to analyze during...
Curated OER

Chapter 6: Christianity and the Transformation of the Roman World

For Students 10th - Higher Ed
The history of the Christian faith makes up a fascinating element of western civilization, as demonstrated in this comprehensive online resource. A chapter quiz features short-answer questions based on the ministry of Jesus, the spread...
Curated OER

The Fall of the Roman Empire

For Teachers 9th - 11th
The Roman Empire rose and fell. Outline the failures in agriculture, economics, military, and government that weakened Rome, setting the stage for complete devastation as Germanic Tribes invaded.
Curated OER

Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire

For Teachers 7th - 9th
Your class can follow along with this PowerPoint to learn about all the triumphs and defeats that led to the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Each slide contains key information related to Roman rule, law, religion, philosophy,...
Curated OER

The Rise of Christianity

For Teachers 10th - 12th
Examine one of the 7 major world religions, how it began and spread throughout the globe. Upper graders can view this presentation to better understand the social and political impacts that Christianity had on Rome and western civilization.
Curated OER

The Roman Empire Ch 6

For Teachers 8th - 11th
The Roman empire didn't sprout up over night. It grew from a collapsing republic and economic turmoil. Time line the events leading up to the rise of the Roman empire with this 10 slide presentation. Topics covered are military upheaval,...
Curated OER

Roman Republic

For Teachers 7th - 10th
Experience the birth and rise of the Roman Empire with these slides, which include explanatory maps and pictures. Details of the Roman government draw an easy parallel to the American government, which could start an engaging discussion.
Curated OER

Final Regents Review: Rome

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Take a trip to ancient Rome in this presentation, which includes details about Roman life, society, politics, and religion. Viewers will be enthralled with the vivid maps and pictures in these slides, which could lead to a discussion on...
Curated OER

The Barbarian Invasions of the Roman Empire

For Students 11th - 12th
Fifteen different locations to map and correctly label. Use the provided list to show major areas of Barbarian invasions occurring during the Roman Empire.
Curated OER

The Roman Empire

For Teachers 7th - 10th
Experience the power of the Roman Empire in this presentation, which takes viewers through the Caesar, Julio-Claudian, and Flavian Dynasties. Details and maps help to make the rapid rise of this kingdom more understandable, and an...
Curated OER

Roman Contributions

For Teachers 7th - 10th
A basic overview of one of the most powerful civilizations of all time, these slides don't quite do justice to the mighty Roman Empire. Slides featuring Roman contributions to modern society, such as the aqueduct and distinctive Roman...
Curated OER

The Fall of Rome and the Beginning of the Middle Ages

For Teachers 7th - 10th
A major turning point in world history is the focus of this presentation. Rome has fallen, and with its descent comes the Dark Ages. With pictures, maps, and important information about the Middle Ages, this slideshow would be a great...
Curated OER

The Ancient Middle East

For Teachers 7th - 9th
Good for a quick look at the Roman and Byzantine Empires, this presentation would serve as a strong supplement to a lesson on the politics and culture of ancient Middle Eastern territories. Enjoy the photographs of the Hagia Sophia, as...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The 1848 Revolution, the Second Reich, and the First World War

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Students explore the events that led up to World War I.  In this World History lesson plan, students read an article on Germany and World War I, then answer four study questions and write an essay about the article.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Roman Archy

For Teachers 3rd
Third graders use Google Earth to examine Roman architecture. In this ancient Rome lesson, 3rd graders visit the noted URLs to look at examples of Roman architecture. Students work in teams to examine data about the structures.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Ancient Rome (Review)

For Teachers 9th
Ninth graders investigate how Rome evolved from a republic to an empire. For this ancient Rome lesson, 9th graders listen to a SMART Board lecture about the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. Students then play 4 games that require...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

The Rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire

For Teachers 9th
Ninth graders investigate the growth of Christianity in Rome. In this Roman Empire lesson plan, 9th graders listen to a SMART Board lecture about the Jesus, Christianity, and the empire prior to composing thematic essays about the spread...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Walking in the Footsteps of the Romans

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Class members have an opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Romans with a skills lesson that asks them to use Google Earth to conduct research on famous Romans. The culminating project is a multimedia tour through Rome that...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Struggles for Power

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students investigate the leaders of the Roman Empire. For this ancient Rome lesson, students research the contributions of Augustus, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius I, and Nero. Students write obituaries that feature the accomplishments,...