Curated OER

A Study Guide for The Phantom of the Opera

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Immerse yourself in the beautiful, twisted world of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. A detailed lesson plan provides important details about the writing, stagecraft, music, and literary elements of the famous musical, as...
Unit Plan
Oregon State

Introduction to Cinematography

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Places everyone! Action! Imagine an entire cinematography course, already designed, that includes everything you need to launch your own film studio, in one tidy 66-page packet.
Lesson Plan
Dick Blick Art Materials

No-Blender Pulp Painting

For Teachers K - 12th
Like finger painting, this project is very tactile. Kids tear tissue paper into small pieces, add water, and mix up a pulp that can be pressed onto a canvas to create a colorful, textured painting.
Lesson Plan
Dick Blick Art Materials

Insoluble Paintings

For Teachers K - 12th
Insolubility and density? Yup, it's art class, of course. To create insoluble paintings that continually move and change, kids mix water-based paint with mineral oil and seal the mixture in laminating pouches.
Lesson Plan
Dick Blick Art Materials

Simple Suminagashi

For Teachers K - 12th
Go ahead. Spill the ink! Combine the study of art, social studies, and science with a Suminagashi (spilled ink) activity that produces "unique and unreproducible" works of art.
Lesson Plan
Dick Blick Art Materials

Painted Story Quilt

For Teachers K - 12th
Creating story quilts is a great way to combine art, social studies and literature. Kids select a story, a published one or one of their own, to illustrate, paint on a canvas square, embellish, and mount on a felt backing.
Lesson Plan
Dick Blick Art Materials

Artist’s Challenge Coins

For Teachers K - 12th
Make 'em, trade 'em, share 'em. Kids create artist's challenge coins to celebrate personal achievements, as mementos, or as encouragement. Originally designed for service personnel, these coins are a great way to recognize achievement.
Lesson Plan
Dick Blick Art Materials

Start with a Circle...

For Students K - 12th
The Golden Ratio. The Divine Proportion. Yup. It's math and art blended into one colorful activity. Young artists combine colored tissue paper circles and parts of circles to create geometric patterns. As a bonus, kids get to figure out...
Lesson Plan
Dick Blick Art Materials

“Decalcomania” Glue Paint Symmetry Prints

For Teachers K - 12th
Who knew you could paint with glue? After first adding liquid water color paints to bottles of white Elmer's glue and applying them to paper, students of all ages are then challenged to use their imagination and creativity to draw in...
Lesson Plan
Discovery Education

Mood Music!

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
Grouchy? Sad? Here's a great resource that shows kids how music can be used to lift their spirits. Kids collect and chart data on the effects of music on emotions. After analyzing the results of their experiment, they develop their own...
Lesson Plan

When The Saints Go Marching In: A Lesson for Middle School Keyboard Lab Students

For Teachers 6th - 8th
After listening to a variety of interpretations of "When the Saints Go Marching In," partners compose and then perform their own renditions of this classic before joining a full-class jam session.
Lesson Plan
Dick Blick Art Materials

Stitch It Up!

For Teachers 4th - 12th
Ever think about combining the art forms of painting and embroidery? Then this art lesson is right up your alley! Given a piece of white cloth, young artists first create a grayscale painting and then highlight certain features by...
Unit Plan
Film Foundation

Film Language and Elements of Style

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
How do you read a frame? How do you read a shot? Here's a resource that shows viewers how to read films. As part of the study, class members examine the camera angles, lighting, movement, and cinematic point of view in Mr. Smith Goes to...
Unit Plan
Film Foundation

Mr. Smith Goes to Washington: What Is a Movie?

For Teachers 11th - 12th Standards
Watching is not the same as seeing. Transform viewers from passive watchers to active students of film with this 34-page packet, filled with lessons and activities that use Mr. Smith Goes to Washington to examine the technology, the...
Unit Plan
Film Foundation

To Kill a Mockingbird: What Is a Movie?

For Teachers 6th - 10th
The challenge film makers face when creating a film based on a novel or nonfiction text is the focus of a interdisciplinary resource that uses To Kill a Mockingbird to teach viewers how to read the visual images of film. A must-have...
Babble Dabble Do

Flextangle Template

For Students 2nd - 12th
Flexagons? What a great way to play with geometry. Kids use the provided template to transform a plain G sheet into a solid G paper toy. The resource even comes with an instructional video and illustrations.
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Writing a Screenplay

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
It's time to make a movie! Kids follow 15 steps to take their movie ideas from concept to script, following clear examples. The resource includes creative ways to guide learners into developing a few words and concepts into fully...
Memorial Art Gallery

Learning to Look, Looking to Learn - Sunday Morning

For Students 9th - 12th
Jerome Myers' depiction of the urban landscape in "Sunday Morning" is the focus of a series of activities that asks viewers to examine how an artist uses the elements of a painting to tell a story. The resource packet includes an image...
Memorial Art Gallery

Learning to Look, Looking to Learn - Peeling Onions

For Students 9th - 12th
Lilly Martin Spencer's "Peeling Onions" is the subject of a series of exercises that model for learners how to use the elements of art to read a painting. A series of worksheets focus viewers' attention on how Spencer uses color and...
Fun Music Company

Lifesavers for the Music Teacher

For Teachers K - 8th
A symphony of ideas are contained in this eBook designed by music teachers for music teachers. The 40 activities have all proven to be lifesavers. A must-have for your curriculum library.
Illinois Music Education Conference

Taking the “General” Out of Middle School General Music!

For Teachers 5th - 8th
Middle schoolers will sing the praises of this music program. The resource, designed as an overview for music instructors, is loaded with ideas, activities, and links. Not a sour note in the packet. 

Reader's Theater Exercise

For Teachers K - 6th
Here's a great idea for your Parent/Family Night—host a Reader's Theater! Everything you need to organize the night, as well as a K-3 and a 4-7 script, is provided in the packet. 

Reader's Theater Exercise: The Night Before Christmas

For Teachers 2nd - 6th
Yes, Virginia, there really is a reader's theater script for "The Night Before Christmas." The exercise is a great way to productively channel pre-holiday energy.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Becoming an Art Critic: Graphic Organizer

For Teachers 7th - 12th
You don't need to be planning a museum tour to take advantage of this graphic organizer that teaches kids how to read a work of art. The student version directs viewers' attention to the content, color, and composition, while the teacher...