Lesson Plan

Coloring Discrete Structures

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Coloring Discrete Structures lesson plan also includes:

What's the least number of colors needed to color a U.S. map? The activity begins by having pupils view a video clip on continuous and discrete phenomenon, then launches into an activity reminiscent of Zeno's paradox. A separate video and activity on the Four Color Theorem introduces pupils to concepts of graph theory.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Consider using only the activities; disregard discrete mathematics vs. structures discussion
  • Team up with a technology or computer science team for parts of the lesson
Classroom Considerations
  • Activities require different materials, such as string, colored paper, and coloring utensils
  • Resource provides websites for further viewing and reading, as well as definitions for terminology used in the lesson
  • While the lesson indicates alignment to Common Core practice standards, there are no alignments to Common Core content standards
  • Many of the topics to consider for discrete mathematics/structures listed in the resources section is too advanced for the middle school level