Lesson Plan

Healthy Snacking: Grades K-2

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Two lessons, all about snacking, look closely at how to make smart, balanced choices. Lesson one challenges pupils to create a menu for the hypothetical restaurant, The Snack Shack. Lesson two offers a variety of informative articles followed by a group collage project. Scholars work together to clip pictures of food and paste them on a large piece of butcher paper to hang proudly in the classroom or around the school. 

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Instructional Ideas
  • Offer a bag of snacks after the lesson—individually wrapped for food safety precautions
  • Browse the school's snack menu for the week or month to observe the variety offered
Classroom Considerations
  • Each lesson takes approximately one hour to complete
  • Keep in mind the impact of food scarcity—generally, healthy options tend to require a higher price tag; therefore, emphasize a balanced diet
  • Both lessons come with extension opportunities
  • The quiz gauges comprehension and comes with an answer key
  • None