
Lord of the Flies Postcard Directions

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Lord of the Flies Postcard Directions performance also includes:

Readers of Lord of the Flies take on the persona of one of the characters in William Golding's novel and craft a postcard to send home describing their adventures. On one side, they create an image of the island, and on the other, they write their message.

1 Collection 41 Views 9 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Add the postcards to the Lord of the Flies focus wall
  • Play the audio or show the YouTube video of Allan Sherman's "Hello Mother, Hello Father" song
Classroom Considerations
  • The name of the instructor and the school address will need to be changed if mailing the postcards
  • The very detailed assignment sheet includes a rubric
  • Allows users to edit the assignment sheet
  • Does not include an explanation for the song assignment; therefore, consider editing out this portion of the model
Common Core