Lesson Plan

To Give In or Not to Give In—That Is the Question!

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This To Give In or Not to Give In—That Is the Question! lesson plan also includes:

No! A very simple word that can be very hard to say. Seventh graders have an opportunity to practice this difficult skill as they engage in a series of role-playing scenarios. As an exit ticket, 7th graders write a reflection on the experience.

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Instructional Ideas
  • Create and mount posters of the Steps to Effective Problem Solving and Steps to Effective Decision-Making handouts
  • Have class members create their own role-play situations
Classroom Considerations
  • The lessons is designed to be taught by the school counseling staff
  • Requires copies of the Role-Play Situation handout
  • The role-play permits learners to safely observe many ways to say no
  • None