
Youths Are Exposed to E-Cigarette Advertisements from Multiple Sources

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

The use of tobacco and alcohol use among young people is increasing. Vaping in particular, is gaining popularity with middle and high school students. A colorful infographic details the top four sources of advertising accessed by young people. The top source of exposure just may surprise you.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Have individuals collect example of anti-vaping advertising, analyze the appeals used, and share their findings with the class
  • Enlarge the infographic and post in the classroom
  • Divide the class into groups of four, assign each individual a different advertising source to research, and have them share their findings with their group
  • Develop a poll that asks middle and high school students what they know about e-cigarettes, how they heard about these devices, and compare their findings to the information on the infographic
  • Use the information on the chart to design anti-vaping advertising targeting middle and high schoolers

Classroom Considerations
  • The infographic statistics are from 2014
  • Some class members may need assistance interpreting the infographic
  • Features data for middle and high schoolers
  • The graph is difficult to interpret
Common Core