College Board
2004 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
What is important from the instruction? Using the questions, pupils and teachers see how the AP® Computer Science exam addresses topics. Scholars realize the importance of the case studies from the course. The released questions range...
College Board
2006 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
Inheritance is a programming problem. Released free-response questions allow pupils and teachers to experience the 2006 AP® exam phrases questions. The items range from the application of basic algorithms to using inheritance in a...
College Board
2009 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
Coding and decoding is part of the work. Pupils and teachers use the released questions from 2009 to gather information on how topics show up on the AP Computer Science exam. The four questions range from the array data structure to...
Harvard University
Creative Computing
Scratch the surface of computer coding. A seven-unit lesson guide provides a crash course on computer programming. It uses a programming language called Scratch.
Star Wars: Building a Galaxy with Code
Welcome to the code side. The interactive lesson introduces coding in a game format with familiar characters. Young computer experts learn to develop code to control the interaction of the characters in the game. The activity ends with...
The Need for DNS
That's one complicated address book! To understand the need for a system that keeps track of addresses, pupils trying to find the IP address of their classmates. Then individuals change their IP addresses, which leads to research...
Prepare young scholars for life in the twenty-first century with this introduction to computer coding formatted as a fun problem solving game, this resource is a great way to develop children's sequential thinking...
Khan Academy
Project: Make it Rain
Make it rain on your computer screen with this challenging JavaScript programming project. Modify the existing code of one little drop to create a downpour by using arrays and properties of arrays. But why stop there? How about some...
Khan Academy
Project: Build-a-House
Start with a basic house created in JavaScript code and practice programming with loops as you add rows of windows, grass, flowers, or trees. How about some apples growing in the trees? You get the idea. Your coding students can let...
Smithsonian Institution
What's the Code? Coding Robot Movements Using Sound
Tap into the desire to learn about computer codes. Pupils apply the Tap Code and the Polybius Square to send secret codes using sound. They design a code that tells a robot what movements to make and then test out their code using one of...
Code Creators
The lesson is real—even if the computer code isn't. Scholars learn about pseudocode, which simulates computer code using everyday language. They write pseudocode for simple actions, then have classmates guess the action from the written...
College Board
GridWorld: A Curriculum Module for Computer Science
Stretch out the grid. Teaching modules provide suggestions on how to use the case study, GridWorld, throughout the year as opposed to only right before the exam. The instructional units provide suggestions for presentations, assignments,...
College Board
Team Problems in Computer Science
There is no I in team. Seven team problems provide classmates the opportunity to work with a partner on a task. Projects span the course and require pupils to apply their knowledge. Tasks range from writing the algorithm in English to...
College Board
Strategies for Teaching AP Computer Science
Implement strategies from the beginning to the end. A collection of strategies and lessons span from the first day of school to after the exam. Resources cover basic information such as computer ethics and top 10 tips to a lesson plan on...
College Board
GridWorld Case Study
The gridline is not just for Friday. Created for the first year, the GridWorld case study was part of the Computer Science course, the resource provides suggestions for integrating it throughout the course. Four instructional components...
College Board
Using the Java Collections Hierarchy
Collect a set of collections. Professional development material provides teachers with information about collections that are in AP Computer Science. Materials include teaching strategies, sample labs, and worksheets. Educators use the...
College Board
Object-Oriented Design
Just jump in with both feet. To better teach Java, one must think Java. The College Board built document immerses teachers in object-oriented design by providing several resources for use. Resources include teaching strategies, design...
College Board
2005 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
Four free-response questions from the 2005 AP® Computer Science exam show pupils how topics appear on the test. Scholars use the questions to practice coding skills in preparation, while teachers use the items to determine what concepts...
College Board
Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts
Advance inheritance in the classroom. The resource is a professional development module with sections great to use in the classroom. Sections cover ideas of inheritance in Java along with abstract classes. Each section includes a...
College Board
1999 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
Assess an array of using coding. Pupils develop code to respond to four questions dealing with arrays. The questions range from determining who in a list are seniors and generating a pattern for a quilt. The questions are the first time...
College Board
2000 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
Coding works for other fields. The free-response questions for AP Computer science require pupils to develop code to solve a problem. Problems range from creating a histogram to developing an encryption program. Teachers use the...
College Board
2002 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
Find the data in an array. Questions for the 2002 AP® Computer Science exam provide opportunities for practice using their ability to use an array structure. Four questions provide different scenarios to use arrays. Pupils then create...
College Board
2007 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
Stay tuned for a programming announcement. The resource contains the four free-response questions from the 2007 AP® Computer Science exam. Teachers and pupils use the questions to understand how topics appear on exams. The items cover...
College Board
2008 AP® Computer Science A Free-Response Questions
Get the code right. A detailed resource provides pupils and teachers of computer science courses with released items from the 2008 exam. Questions range from studying code in a case study to creating code to perform specific tasks....