Mr. Roughton
Reformation Dossiers
If you were living during the Reformation and had to choose between arresting Henry VIII, Pope Leo X, or the Grand Inquisitor of the Catholic Church, who would you pick? This engaging assignment will have your young historians...
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Medieval Sourcebook: Inquisition
Article provides a detailed introduction to the inquisition as a legal proceeding rather than the Spanish relgio-secular institutional body that the word more often brings to mind.
Steven Kreis, PhD
The History Guide: The Catholic Reformation
Explore the Catholic Reformation that occurred in response to the Protestant Reformation. Learn how the Jesuit society rose out of the Catholic Church to help change the image of the church and bring people back. The Jesuits focused on...
Wikipedia: Medieval Inquisition
A Wikipedia article that reports on the Medieval Inquisition throughout Europe during the 12th and 13th centuries. Discusses the origin and history as well as the procedure of investigation, trial, torture, and punishment.
Rice University
Galileo Project: Historical Overview of the Inquisition
This article defines an inquisition, which is a legal proceeding of the Catholic Church and not restricted to a particular institution such as the Spanish Inquisition.
Kenyon College
Kenyon College: Marginality and Community in Medieval Europe: Heretics
An overview of heretics and a link to the different heretical groups from a project designed by students at Kenyon College. Part of a larger examination of the marginality of groups in medieval Europe.