Lesson Plan
Science 4 Inquiry

The Monster Mash

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Young scientists create monsters by applying their knowledge of transcription and translation. They randomly find the DNA, assign it a codon, and build monsters piece by piece. 

Study Jams! Transformations

For Students 7th - 9th Standards
Flip, spin, and shift with this vocabulary-rich video on transformations. Learners watch different movements and see how to move an object without affecting its size. The video follows with a multiple choice assessment that...
Curated OER

Trigonometry Review Sheet

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Get the trig facts fast, and use the review sheet as a guide in the classroom. The worksheet also includes a document version if any changes are needed to the problems. The information includes a small degree/radian chart, a graph of all...
Curated OER

Parent Functions Review Sheet

For Students 9th - Higher Ed Standards
No laundry or cooking dinner here: these parent functions are all about math. Every graph you could think of from basic linear functions to the hyperbolic arccotangent function are included. With 40 parent functions, the worksheet can be...
Math Guy

Algebra 1 Practice Final

For Students 8th - 11th Standards
What makes this resource special? The amazing answer key that comes with worked out solutions and notes for each problem. Practice problems include all topics ranging from linear systems to simplifying exponential expressions. The packet...
Modesto Junior College

Graphical Transformations of Functions

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Transform your knowledge from average to excellent with this comprehensive guide to function transformations. All of the types of shifts, stretches, and reflections are included with an explanation and coordinating graph to show...
Unit Plan
Rural Science Education Program

Cells, Genetics, and Biotechnology

For Students 8th - 12th Standards
For scholars tired of reading the textbook, this unit includes nine hands-on lessons. Through group work, lab activities, experiments, and even one inquiry-based lesson, scholars apply knowledge about cells, genetics, and biotechnology....
Curated OER

Brain Train

For Teachers 5th - 8th
A lengthy presentation on geometric reflections is here for your young geometers. Learners consider a shape, then must choose between four reflections to find the one that is a true vertical, horizontal, or diagonal reflection of the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Escher-Esque Tessellations

For Teachers 8th - 11th
Middle and high schoolers participate in a seven-part activity creating Escher-Esque tessellations. They demonstrate their knowledge of geometric transformations after viewing a PowerPoint presentation, conducting Internet research, and...
Curated OER

Visualizing and Naming Polygons

For Teachers 5th - 6th
A really useful resource contains 116 slides covering basic geometric concepts related to 2-D or plane shapes. Shape properties, translations, reflections, congruence, symmetry, and grid work are all laid out in a comprehensive and...
Lesson Plan

Transformers Parts 2-5 - Algebra 2 Parent Functions: Function Transformations

For Teachers 10th - 12th Standards
Dive into an activity that may cause a little reflection! Building from the first lesson in the series of two, learners explore transformation using unfamiliar functions. The key takeaway is that applying transformations to any function...
Lesson Plan

Transformers Part 1 - Absolute Value and Quadratic Functions: Function Transformations

For Teachers 9th - 11th Standards
Transform your instruction with an exploratory lesson! Young scholars manipulate absolute values and quadratic functions to look for transformation patterns. They use the patterns to write general rules of transformations.
Lesson Plan
National Endowment for the Humanities

Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Pain and suffering do not have to be inevitable in a study of Crime and Punishment. A carefully scaffolded activity introduces readers to the divided natures of the characters in Fyodor Dostoevsky's complex novel. Groups use the provided...
Instructional Video16:47
Flipped Math


For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Transformations come in many forms. To start the informative resource, pupils first review the different types of transformations. Scholars work in more detail with translations by drawing the transformations and writing the algebraic...
Flipped Math

Unit 5 Review: Systems of Equations

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Activate transformers along with algebra systems. Pupils use 10 problems to review transformations of functions to solve a variety of systems of equations. Individuals identify the types of transformations from an equation along with...
Instructional Video27:46
Flipped Math

Transformations of Functions, Pt. 2

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Workout with stretches and compressions. Scholars view what happens to the graph when multiplying a function by a number. Learners combine stretches and compressions with translations before practicing the newly learned skill by pausing...
Instructional Video19:40
Flipped Math

Transformations of Functions, Pt. 1

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
It is transformational! With the beginning lesson on transformations, pupils learn about vertical and horizontal translations. Scholars see how to graph important points to show the translations and then to write the transformed graph in...
Unit Plan
Radford University

Google Earth Trip

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
A trip around the world sounds nice, but for now we'll just have to make do with Google Earth. Pupils use pictures of landmarks to apply geometry concepts. They determine whether each building has bilateral or rotational symmetry, search...
Unit Plan
Radford University

Transformational Graphing in the Real World: Air Traffic Control

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
You're cleared to learn about absolute value functions. An interesting lesson has scholars investigate transformations of the graphs of absolute value functions. They look at air traffic control as an application of the concept.
Unit Plan
Radford University

Transformational Graphing in the Real World: Building Bridges

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
No suspension here, the resource is good to go. Using graphing calculators, scholars explore how transformations affect the graphs of quadratic functions. They consider how the changes relate to the context of suspension bridges.
Unit Plan
Radford University

Transformational Graphing in the Real World: Bacteria – Growth or Decay?

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
Grow—not decay—your knowledge of exponential functions. Young mathematicians graph exponential functions and explore how transformations affect the graphs. They decide whether the functions represent growth or decay in the context of...

Making a Translation Tesselation

For Teachers 3rd - 5th
Make masterful art using math. An interesting activity has learners create artwork involving tesselations. First they cut out a base shape from index cards, then they apply translations to complete their masterpieces.
Instructional Video10:31
Corbett Maths

Transformations of Graphs

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Geometric transformations in algebra ... what? Given four transformations, the narrator explains how each affect the graph of the original function. The transformations involve translations and reflections, both horizontally and...
Instructional Video4:58
Corbett Maths

Transformations: Translations

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Slide into vector transformations. Column vectors define the translation of figures by defining the number of units to move horizontally and vertically on the coordinate graph. Pupils develop an understanding of how to read the...