Curated OER

Equivalent Measures in Centimeters

For Students 2nd
In this equivalent measures in centimeters learning exercise, 2nd graders write the equivalent measure for 10 problems, then color in a box of a puzzle.
Curated OER

Using Centimeters to Measure the Perimeter of Triangles

For Students 2nd
In this using centimeters to measure the perimeter of triangles activity, 2nd graders measure 6 triangles with a centimeter ruler and write the equation used to find the perimeter.
Curated OER

Inches and Centimeters

For Students 2nd - 3rd
In this measurement worksheet, students measure various classroom items in inches and centimeters. Students measure 6 items in inches and centimeters.
Curated OER

Koala Lou Measurement

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this centimeter measurement worksheet, students measure the jumps of five Australian animals in the Bush Olympics. Students record the lengths in centimeters and declare a winner.
Curated OER

Metric Conversions

For Students 6th - 8th
In this metric conversion worksheet, students convert measurements within the metric system. They determine the proper procedure, multiplication or division, prior to converting. This two-page worksheet contains 11 problems.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Reading a Metric Ruler

For Teachers 7th - 8th
In this metric ruler worksheet, learners read metric rulers. They determine the number of centimeters, millimeters, and meters. This two-page worksheet contains 18 problems.
Curated OER

Measuring Length

For Students 3rd - 4th
In this measuring length worksheet, students learn to use a rule to measure distances. Students measure the lines to the nearest centimeter. Students finish by drawing lines using a ruler and the given measurements.
Curated OER


For Students 1st - 2nd
In this early childhood units of measurements worksheet, students sharpen their problem solving skills as they solve 6 story problems pertaining to centimeters.
Curated OER

Hands On: Centimeters and Millimeters

For Students 4th - 5th
In this centimeter/millimeter worksheet, students estimate the length of pictures of tropical fish, then measure each to the nearest centimeter and use the measurements to solve 2 problems, then solve 2 additional problems.
Curated OER

Metric Conversions

For Students 7th - Higher Ed
In this conversions activity, students convert the given measurements to different units of measurement. This activity has 21 problems to solve.
Curated OER

Unit Conversions

For Students 7th - 12th
In this unit conversions learning exercise, students practice converting measurements using conversion factors. This learning exercise has 12 fill in the blank questions.
Curated OER

Comparing and Measuring Lines

For Students 3rd - 4th
In this metric measurement learning exercise, students measure three lines in each problem and write the length in centimeters. Students then tell which is longest. There are 4 problems.
Curated OER

Using CM and MM

For Students 4th - 5th
In this measuring lines worksheet, students measure 6 lines and write the answers in centimeters and millimeters. Students measure 10 other listed objects and give their answers in large and small units.
Curated OER

Try It Twice

For Students 2nd
In this rectangles worksheet, 2nd graders draw two different rectangles with a perimeter of 10 units and two with a perimeter of 12 centimeters.
Curated OER

Backyard Map- Measuring with Centimeters

For Students 1st
In this backyard map centimeter measurement worksheet, 1st graders cut out a centimeter ruler from the bottom of the page. They use the ruler to measure the path between objects which are pictures in the backyard map at the top of the...
Curated OER

Perimeter and Area

For Students 10th
In this perimeter and area worksheet, 10th graders solve 12 different problems related to perimeter and area of various shapes. First, they determine the area of a parallelogram with a particular base and height. Then, students determine...
Curated OER

Estimating and Measuring Worksheet

For Students 5th - 8th
In this estimating and measuring worksheet, students answer 8 questions in which they use estimation and then basic addition/subtraction to determine fabric measurements. The first section is strictly estimation and the second and third...
Curated OER

Eggs Over Easy

For Students 6th - 8th
In this science project instructional activity, students construct a container that will prevent an egg from breaking as it is dropped from a spot selected onto a target. Then they score each by measuring the distance between the...
Curated OER

Drop Zone Challenge

For Students 7th - 9th
In this science challenge learning exercise, students construct a parachute that will have the longest time in seconds and best accuracy when dropped from a predetermined height. Then they use the formula given to determine the...
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Measure This!

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
Students estimate the measurement in centimeters for common classroom objects. They check their estimations, discuss the differences and write a paragraph summarizing the activity.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

How Long Is Your Smile?

For Teachers 4th
Fourth graders measure to the nearest centimeter. They work together to create a portrait of themselves with an accurate measurement of their smile to the nearest centimeter. This is a creative way for students to explore centimeters.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Wrapped Up In A Kiss!

For Teachers 1st - 3rd
Students use the wrapper of a Hershey's Kiss to practice estimating, predicting and measuring. They measure with centimeter rulers.
Curated OER

Temperature Conversion

For Students 9th - 12th
In this online math learning exercise, students practice converting between a variety of metric measurements. When complete, students submit their answers and get instant feedback regarding their accuracy.
Curated OER

One Centimeter

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this centimeter worksheet, students read about and view examples of length in centimeters, then draw lines shorter and longer than 1 centimeter. A website reference for additional activities is given.