Curated OER

How Much Money Do I Have?

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this counting coins activity, students solve 4 problems in which a set of coins is counted. Students write the total value of the set of coins. Included on this page are pennies, nickels and dimes only.
Curated OER

Counting Coins to 50 Cents

For Students 1st - 2nd
For this counting coins worksheet, students solve 20 problems in which dimes and nickels and pennies are counted and the total calculated. All totals are under 50 cents.
Curated OER

Money to 50 Cents

For Students 1st - 2nd
In this counting coins worksheet, students solve 20 problems in which nickels, dimes and pennies are counted. Students record the total. All sums are below 50 cents.
Curated OER

Model Numbers to 100

For Students 1st - 3rd
In this numbers activity, students solve 6 word problems, using picture models of cubes. Problems are set up using groups of ten.
Curated OER

Everyday Mathematics: Coins

For Students 2nd - 3rd
In this counting coins learning exercise, students receive help from an adult to find the total value for the pictured coins. The objective is to enhance students' counting money skills and skip counting skills.
Curated OER

Max's Math Adventures

For Students 2nd - 3rd
In this counting coins worksheet, students "take some time to solve the rhyme," reading a rhyme and answering related questions.
Curated OER

Coin Values

For Students 2nd - 3rd
In this coins worksheet, students find the values of coins and the totals of all the values added up together. Students complete 6 problems.
Curated OER

Sums to 50

For Students 2nd - 3rd
In this addition learning exercise, students solve 6 word problems. All problems use sums through the number 50. The addition problems necessary is set up in the first 2 problems as a guide.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Counting on 1, 2, and 3

For Teachers 2nd - 3rd
In this counting one, two and three worksheet, students, working with a partner, practice answering seven word problems and equations.
Curated OER

Max's Math Adventures

For Students 1st - 2nd
For this counting practice worksheet, students read the story rhyme about counting practice. Students count a handful of objects they find in their home. Students then count the objects illustrated in each picture set. Students also draw...

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