Instructional Video8:41

The Biggest and Brightest Space News of 2023

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIt's that time of year where we reflect on the events of 2023 - and if you're like us, you're thinking about all the coolest space-y finds of the year. So here's the brightest, faintest, and most magnetic stuff we saw in space this year!
Instructional Video5:38

The Ocean's Most Important Crystal

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewWhen we think of the ocean and what's in it, you probably think of stuff like fish, or salt, or seaweed. But there's a crystal that is so vital to marine life that they take dissolved materials in that salty water and build it...
Instructional Video6:12

The Infamous, Brain-Bending Birthday Problem

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThere's a rather famous problem in math of probability called the Birthday Paradox. Let's get into how it works, and how creative uses of this hypothetical problem have real-world applications!
Instructional Video11:39

We May Be Able To Grow Human Organs In Animals. Should We?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewSeventeen people in the US die /every day/ waiting for an organ transplant, usually a kidney. One approach is to grow extra kidneys in pigs, an idea known as xenotransplantation. We'll look at two recent milestones, as well as the...
Instructional Video7:56

Are Sharks Really Older Than the North Star?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIf you've spent enough time on the internet, you may have stumbled upon the fact that sharks are older than Polaris, aka the North Star. But are they really? It turns out the truth is a little more complicated.
Instructional Video6:05

The Science of Mouth Taping

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewHave you heard about this technique called mouth taping, and the claims it can cure everything from asthma to bad breath? We're here to cover what science and peer-reviewed research actually has to say about it.
Instructional Video10:54

Can We Make A Vaccine Against Smoking?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewWe've all heard of a flu shot or a COVID vaccine, but there's a whole bunch of other health issues that researchers think we can use vaccines to prevent. From high cholesterol to substance abuse, researchers want our immune systems to...
Instructional Video5:31

Ticks Can Spread An Allergy To… Red Meat?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIt's been about ten years since scientists categorized alpha-gal syndrome, AKA the red meat allergy spread by ticks. But while researchers know more about it, there's a chance that doctors don't.
Instructional Video6:17

Does Antimatter Fall?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIn September 2023, a group of scientists from CERN published the first results from the ALPHA-g experiment, which seeks to figure out how antimatter responds to the force of gravity. Does it fall like regular matter? Does it not interact...
Instructional Video6:30

This Simple Test Could Detect Half of All Cancers

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewCancer is a complicated disease, and there's no simple blood test for early detection and screening to spot cancer in general. That might be changing thanks to LINE-1, a retrotransposon gene that doesn't do anything.
Instructional Video4:55

What Makes This Plant Hair So Deadly?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewYou may be familiar with plants that have hair, like fuzzy peaches. But these plant take their 'dos to the next level, because their hairs are deadly.
Instructional Video6:21

Can a Plug-In Really Improve Your Cat's Behavior?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewHave you ever seen cat pheromones, sometimes branded as Feliway, that promise to address problem behaviors like cat scratching, fighting, and stress? These products are based on real science. But do they work?
Instructional Video5:30

Wolves Have Taken Over a Marine Ecosystem

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewWolves are amazing hunters, so they tend to be apex predators wherever you find them...including one region in Alaska where these land-based predators sit atop a marine food web.
Instructional Video8:55

Evolution Can't Explain Your Grandma

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThere's a really interesting idea in anthropology called the grandmother hypothesis, that basically says the reason we have grandmas has to do with what makes us unique as a species. But there's a huge problem with the idea that it's...
Instructional Video12:13

The World’s Strongest Acid Might be Gentle Enough to Eat

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewHearing the word "superacid" may evoke memories of that scene from Breaking Bad, but perhaps counterintuitively, the strongest acid on Earth wouldn't be able to destroy your bathroom.
Instructional Video3:29

Is This About To Revolutionize Antidepressants?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewWouldn't it be nice if psychiatrists could stick patients with depression in an EEG and find out what antidepressant, like an SSRI, might be best for them, eliminating months of trial and error? A new study shows how that might be coming...
Instructional Video6:30

This Element Doesn't Fit the Periodic Table

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewOne of the most famous elements in the periodic table doesn't really belong anywhere chemists would like to put it.
Instructional Video6:44

Psychiatrists Can't Agree About This New Disorder

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewProlonged grief disorder recently debuted in both of the two manuals that clinicians use to diagnose psychological conditions. But the DSM and the ICD don't completely agree on what it is.
Instructional Video6:09

What's Really Behind The Adderall Shortage?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewYou may have heard that there's an ongoing shortage of the medication Adderall. But there's a lot more going on here than you may expect, and the real culprit behind the shortage isn't what you might think.
Instructional Video8:20

The Best Keyboard, According to Science

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewPeople have strong opinions about which kind of keyboard is best, but science has settled the debate.
Instructional Video14:03

How Do We Know How Old the Earth Is?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIn the wake of World War 2, Clair Patterson embarked on a scientific quest to find out how old the Earth really is. His hard work paid off, but it also revealed a modern danger.
Instructional Video7:46

This Crystal Is ELECTRIC

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThere's a few minerals that exhibit something called piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity, which mean that either heat or pressure can turn them electric. Here's a demo from the SciShow Rocks Box where you can see this for yourself - all...
Instructional Video10:38

We Finally Made Synthetic Spider Silk

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThe ability to produce synthetic spider silk would give us bulletproof vests better than Kevlar, biocompatible sutures and wound dressings, and even space elevators. The problem is being able to make it in large amounts. One group may...
Instructional Video6:31

Why Do We Rhyme?

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewRhymes might seem frivolous, but there's scientific evidence for why we like them so much.