Canadian Wildlife Federation
Hinterland Who's Who: Bumble Bees
Get the facts about bumble bees. Besides finding a detailed description of these North American natives, you'll also learn about some of their unique facts and characteristics. Also included in this Insect Fact Sheet on bumble bees is...
Encyclopedia of Earth
Encyclopedia of Earth: Botany: Bumblebee
Article on the bumblebee. Covers physical features, life in a colony and as a pollinator, and threats to its survival. Includes links to additional resources. (Published: April 14, 2008)
Nature Conservancy
The Nature Conservancy: Discover the Culprit Behind Declining Bee Populations
Bees provide vital benefits to people, including crop pollination and products such as honey and beeswax. But we're losing bees through colony collapse disorder. For this lesson, students are put at the cutting edge of research on...
University of Wisconsin
The Why Files: Honeybees Getting Lost?
As colony collapse disorder continues to attack honeybee hives, a new study shows that a common insecticide interferes with their return flights.
Penn State University: Bee Behavior
Penn State University and the Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Consortium offer an excellent site on everything you need to know about bee behavior.
Pbs: Nature: Obsession With Orchids
PBS features this program on orchids, including a short video on how an orchid encourages a bee to carry pollen to another flower. There are 3 articles focusing on the flower's ability to coax insects into pollinating other orchids, new...
Bbc: 1983: Thatcher Triumphs Again
Detailed analysis of the election of 1983 in which Margaret Thatcher was decisively re-elected. Includes audio clips from BBC broadcasts.
Biology Pages
Kimball's Biology Pages: Muscles
A thorough discussion of the skeletal muscle, smooth muscle and the cardiac muscle. Muscular diseases are highlighted in this site as well.
Biology Pages
Kimball's Biology Pages: Cladistics
This page discusses how the cladistic level of classification includes information from molecular biology to establish evolutionary relationships. The page discusses how this information is used to do this.
Library of Congress
Loc: Law: War Powers
Find the reasoning behind the War Powers Act, passed over President Nixon's veto in 1973. Presidential actions taken during the Vietnam War were the impetus for Congress to make a declaration of war more codified. See the times...
Digital History
Digital History: Explorations: The Vietnam War as History
Comprehensive interactive learning module explores the Vietnam War and includes maps, a timeline of important events, primary source documents, photographs, personal accounts, music, and teacher resources.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Genesis
The text of the Book of Genesis, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Judges
The text of the Book of Judges, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: 2 Samuel
The text of the Book of 2 Samuel, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: 2 Kings
The text of the Book of 2 Kings, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Isaiah
The text of the Book of Isaiah, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Ezekiel
The text of the Book of Ezekiel, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Joel
The text of the Book of Joel, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Nahum
The text of the Book of Nahum, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Habakkuk
The text of the Book of Psalms, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Haggai
The text of the Book of Haggai, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Job
The text of the Book of Job, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Ruth
The text of the Book of Ruth, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.
Mechon Mamre
Hebrew English Bible: Ecclesiastes
The text of the Book of Ecclesiastes, presented side-by-side in Hebrew and English.