University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: 2.1 Factors of Production: Principles of Economics

For Students 9th - 10th
The three factors of production-labor, capital, and natural resources. Explain the role of technology and entrepreneurs in the utilization of the economy's factors. Labor is the human effort that can be applied to the production of goods...
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Math Insight: Multiplying Matrices and Vectors

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
A clear explanation of how to multiply a matrix by a vector and a matrix by a matrix. A follow-up page provides additional examples.
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Education & Integration of Migrant Workers' Children

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This resource consists of videos concerning the education of migrant workers' children in Shanghai, China, and in the United States. Their goal is to help us think critically about the impact of migration on the education and integration...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Demographic Trends, Fertility, & Migration

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This resource consists of graphs and articles that review general demographic changes and related national policies on migration. The goal is to provide information about general population trends, while encouraging a critical...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

U Mn: Gender Ratios in Global Migration: Men Who Migrate, Women Who Wait?

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource uses a text and graph to show how the gender ratio of international migrants - the proportion of male to female migrants - has changed over time. Its goal is to stimulate thinking about shifting gender ratios in global...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

U Mn: Immigration History: Gatekeeping

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource presents political cartoons from four different national contexts. Its goal is to further understandings of the ways in which nation-states affect an individual's ability to move freely around the world.
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Eugenics, Race, & Immigration Restriction

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This resource consists of primary documents about the international eugenics movements in the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Its goal is to show how eugenics influenced immigration laws and how eugenics theories and policies...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

U Mn: Immigration, Demographic Change, and National Identity

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This resource includes two documents: one is written by a senior Japanese immigration officer who discusses Japan's immigration policy options, and the other is written by a Harvard professor who questions the influence of Hispanic...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

U Mn: Immigrants & Cities: Mapping Ethnic Enclaves in Early 20th Century Us

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This resource couples a visual and descriptive map of urban ethnic enclaves with an oral interview by an immigrant growing up in New York City. Its goal is to provide different ways of "mapping" or understanding life for immigrants...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Immigration History: Global Economy & Migration

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource is a suplement to a documentary about global labor migration, from developing to developed countries, at the end of the twentieth century. This module encourages critical thinking about the influence that global capitalism...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Immigration: Projecting Maps, Making Representations

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource compares four different world maps. The goals are to encourage critical thinking about maps as representations and to show how maps influence the ways in which one conceptualizes the world.
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Immigration History: Muslim Migration to Europe

For Students 9th - 10th
This teaching module will explore the migration of Muslims to Europe and the history of immigration and citizenship policies in European countries. It exmaines four major streams of migration to and within Europe.
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

U of Minnesota: Migration, Food, & Cultural Exchange: Mexico & the U. S.

For Students 9th - 10th
The following sources include a poem and newspaper article that deal with contemporary issues of migration and foods. Its goal is to examine food as an assertion of ethnic identity and as a site of cultural exchange and contest between...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Migration & Sex: Trafficked Humans or Sex Workers?

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This resource includes a handbook and report related to contemporary debates about women migrants and sex. The goal for this debate is to complicate stereotypes that depict women migrants whom engage in sex as either victims or agents.
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Involuntary Migration: Testimonies of Women Refugees

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This resource includes memoirs of two women who were forced to flee civil conflicts in their countries. The goal is to further the understanding of how men and women experience political and religious exile differently.
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Urbanization & Migration in the Developing World

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This lesson presents the scale of recent urbanization in different global regions and the diverse roles that migrants play in contributing to urbanization. The following graph, map, video, and news report provide a general overview of...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Transnational Social Networks: Historically & Today

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource compares oral history and in-depth interviews from two different areas and periods of immigration to the United States. Its goal is to complicate notions of migration as a unidirectional and permanent activity.
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Immigration History: Remittances & Development

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource uses maps, a video and texts to provide an understanding of the financial flows of migrant remittances, money sent home by migrants. Its goal is to encourage students to think critically about the multiple impacts of...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Immigration: Refugees in Contemporary Global Migration

For Teachers 9th - 10th
The following sources include a news report in 2007 on Iraqi refugees in Sweden and interviews in 1998 of Hmong refugees living in Minnesota. Its goal is to explore the refugee experience, both from an international or geopolitical...
Unit Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Immigration: Racial Encounters in Colonial America

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Copper plate engravings offer one example of the racialization of colonized peoples. At the turn of the 17th century, most Europeans' visual conceptions of the Americas came from the engravings of the workshop of Flemish print-maker...
Lesson Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Immigration Syllabus: Weeks 12 15

For Students 11th - 12th
Syllabus: Week 12: Undocumented Immigrants/Immigrant Rights. Syllabus: Week 13: Border Walls and Border Policing. Syllabus: Week 14: Post 9/11 America, and Syllabus: Week 15: Deportation Nation.
Lesson Plan
University of Minnesota

Univerisity of Minnesota: Immigration Syllabus: Weeks 9 11

For Teachers 11th - 12th
Syllabus: Week 9: The 1965 Hart-Celler Act and the Remaking of Immigrant America. Syllabus: Week 10: Refugee and Asylum Policy, and Syllabus Week 11: How Globalization Produces Migration: Immigration Law, Economic Policy, and Global...
Lesson Plan
University of Minnesota

Univerisity of Minnesota: Immigration Syllabus: Weeks 7 8

For Students 11th - 12th
Syllabus for WEEK 7: World War II and the Cold War: The Geopolitics of Immigration Reforms. WEEK 8: Family, Gender, and Sexuality
Lesson Plan
University of Minnesota

University of Minnesota: Immigration Syllabus: Weeks 1 2

For Students 11th - 12th
Week 1: Why study immigration? What does the study of immigration reveal about U.S. history and which stories we tell about ourselves as a people? Week 2: Settlers, Servants, and Slaves in British, French, and Spanish Colonial America:...