Curated OER
Math Symbols
Some times simple is as good as gold. Early learners are introduced to the basic mathmatical symbols used to represent addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and equals; each slide contains one large image of each symbol.
Curated OER
Pet Care Pluses
The humane society has created a foundational math symbols lesson. The class defines the words plus, minus and equals, then solves math equations based on proper pet care.
Curated OER
Estimating Sums and Differences
In this estimation of sums and differences worksheet, 7th graders solve 20 different problems that are related to estimation of numbers. They add or subtract each problem as shown. Then, students estimate the sums and differences for...
Curated OER
Addition Using Objects
For this addition using objects worksheet, students solve 5 problems that include adding various objects as shown. First, they count the number of each object in the first column and write that number in the first box. Then, students...
Curated OER
Pot of Gold Addition
For this money math worksheet, 2nd graders solve each addition problem and write the sum on the pot of gold pictured for each. They add money together to get their total amount for each problem.
Curated OER
Sums of 3, 4, and 5
In this basic mathematics worksheet, students add each of the colored buttons to get their answer. They use addition to solve each of the 16 problems on the sheet.
Curated OER
Addition Speed Drill
In this mathematics worksheet, 1st graders solve a number of problems by adding a single digit number to other single digit numbers and timing how long it takes to complete the drill. There are 45 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Using Symbols to Add
In this mathematics worksheet, 1st graders identify how addition sentences can tell a story. Then they identify how many objects there are in all. Students also identify what each symbols represents in an addition sentence.
Curated OER
Add Decimal Hundredths (A)
In this mathematics learning exercise, students solve a number of problems by adding decimals to the hundredths place. There are 32 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Money Addition (A)
In this mathematics worksheet, students solve a number of money problems by adding a decimal to another decimal. There are 20 problems to solve on the sheet.
Curated OER
Halloween Missing Digits (A)
For this mathematics worksheet, students complete each with the correct missing number digits. Then they try to find the digits that the zombie lost while creating the sheet.
Curated OER
Two-Digit Numbers Ending in 8 or 7
In this mathematics instructional activity, students circle the dots to form a complete ten and compare their problem to the one with just ones' digits. Then they add each problem and write down the corresponding problem with just the...
Curated OER
Same and Different
For this mathematics worksheet, students first complete the tens place and then add the rest. Then they continue the patterns and compare each column. Students also fill in the missing addends and solve various word problems by writing a...
Curated OER
Addition Number Chart
In this basic mathematics instructional activity, 1st graders complete each chart by filling in the missing numbers. They use addition to help them complete each chart.
Curated OER
Count by 2's
In this basic mathematics worksheet, students complete each chart by counting by 2's. They add to each number and fill in the missing boxes.
Curated OER
How Many?
In this mathematics worksheet, students count the number of objects in each group illustrated. Then they write how many in the box to the right.
Curated OER
Worksheet #10
In this mathematics worksheet, 2nd graders solve various problems by either adding or subtracting when necessary two-digit terms. They use a number line at the top for help solving each.
Curated OER
Math Practice Series Worksheet #3
In this mathematics instructional activity, 1st graders solve numerous addition problems by adding single and two-digit numbers to each other. There are 36 problems to solve on the sheet.