Curated OER
Evaluating the Strength of Scientific Evidence: The Rediscovery of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker
A happy discovery occurred in Arkansas in 2004: a woodpecker, believed to be extinct since the 1940s, reappeared! Or did it? Middle to high school ecologists examine scientific evidence and use critical-thinking skills to determine...
Curated OER
Endangered Species !: Why Are Species Endangered?
Middle schoolers explore the various issues and problems faced by endangered species globally. They research the plight of endangered species, create a poster of a selected animal, and present their poster and research to the class.
Curated OER
Examining Endangered Species
Middle school environmental science classes research the threatened, endangered, and extinct organisms listed for their state. They design and construct a poster of the information gleaned and write an essay about how they might be able...
Curated OER
Sea Turtles: An Issue Investigation
Fifth graders explore sea turtles and the issues relating to them as endangered species. They research sea turtles on the Internet and find reasons why the turtles are endangered. They identify potential issues to be considered when...
Curated OER
Endangered Species
Students conduct Internet research on endangered species. They select an endangered species, identify its physical and behavioral characteristics, and create a Powerpoint presentation.
Canadian Wildlife Federation
Hinterland Who's Who: Piping Plover
Get the facts about the Piping Plover. Besides finding a detailed physical description of this bird, you?ll also learn about some its unique facts and characteristics. Also included in this Bird Fact Sheet on the Piping Plover is...
Iucn Red List: Threatened Species
The IUCN Red List is a global database of information about threatened species which is used by conservation groups around the world to focus their efforts. A search for a species reveals detailed information about it, the threats it...
National Geographic
National Geographic: Endangered Animals of the Americas
Students select an endangered or threatened animal to research, locate it on a map, and create a persuasive essay or poster to convince others to help the animals.
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Tpwd: Nongame and Rare Species Program: Federal and State Listed Species
Provides information about animals and plants in Texas that are protected under state and/or federal law due to their status as threatened or endangered. A species can be on both a state list and a federal list or on just one. Links to...
World Wildlife Federation: Sea Turtle: Loggerhead Turtle
This nicely illustrated description of the endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtle provides conservation information about this marine reptile.
Wwf: Species Directory: Endangered, Vulnerable, and Threatened Animals
A directory of animal species endangered or under threat. Click on 'Conservation Status' to sort the list. Each species is accompanied by pictures, characteristics, facts, a map, threats they face, and what the WWF is doing to help them.
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Texas Parks and Wildlife: Threatened and Endangered Species
A comprehensive site covering the endangered species in Texas. Includes information about endangered species laws, why it is important to protect these species, and more. Click on the different regions under "Navigate To Another Wildlife...
Bradfords Woods: Eagles to the Nest [Pdf]
This thematic curriculum which focuses on bald eagles revolves around a three-day field trip to Bradford Woods in Indiana. However, many of the activities could be adapted for other environments, and the background material is useful,...
World Wildlife Fund for Nature
World Wildlife Federation: Loggerhead Turtle
Read biological facts and conservation information about the endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtle. Find out about the main threats to the turtles and what is being down to help.
Environmental Education for Kids
Eek!: Threatened and Endangered
This site provides detailed descriptions and factual information on Wisconsin's Threatened and Endangered animals and plants.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Penguins: Popularity, Peril and Poop
Dyan deNapoli explains the reasons behind the decline in penguin populations and why penguins are like the proverbial canary in the coal mine of our oceans. [5:23]
National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis, University of California Santa Barbara
Kids Do Ecology: Endangered Species and Conservation Biology
Find out about conservation biology as it relates to endangered and threatened species. Learn about the factors contributing to the loss of species and what efforts have helped bring some animals back form the brink of extinction.
Who Zoo: Coral Snake
General information on the common Coral Snake from WhoZoo. Various pictures from inside the Ft. Worth Zoo and special adaptations highlight this site.
Connecticut Deep: Loggerhear Sea Turtle
A full description of the endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtle including information about physical characteristics, habitat range, reproduction, threats to its survival, and conservation efforts to help the species.
US Fish and Wildlife Service
U.s. Fish & Wildlife Service: Loggerhead Sea Turtle
Read about the current status of the endangered Loggerhead Sea Turtle. This article takes an in-depth look at the conservations status and efforts underway to stop the decline in the turtle population.
Nature Canada
Threatened and Endangered Species
Resource provides an overview that includes statistics of the threatened and endangered species in Canada.
Nature Canada
Nature Canada: Species Spotlight: Whip Poor Will
The whip-poor-will is a Canadian bird on the threatened species list. Facts about the whip-poor-will and conservation efforts to help it are described.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of Natural History: Bald Eagle
This Smithsonian website has a brief but thorough article on the Bald Eagles. Content also includes pictures and an extensive quote from naturalist Edward Nelson as he discusses the role of eagles in Eskimo myth.
Scientific American
Scientific American Slideshow: Threatened Wildlife in the Here and Now
Learn about species that are presently facing endangered status in North America as climate change affects each in different ways in this slideshow from Scientific American.