News Clip7:35
Curated Video

How some evangelical leaders are combating political radicalization in their congregations

12th - Higher Ed
Evangelical Christian leaders have sounded the alarm in recent years about problems of polarization and radicalization in their churches. Laura Barrón-López spoke to one pastor trying to shift the conversation.
Instructional Video10:41
Curated Video

Serpents and Dragons: Crash Course World Mythology #38

12th - Higher Ed
This week, Mike is teaching you about the most mythic of mythological creatures: Dragons. Cultures across the world (and across Westeros) tell stories of dragons, and their power to destroy, their power to prop up kings, and their power...
News Clip1:59
Associated Press


Higher Ed
English/Nat In a soul-searching quest for spiritual renewal, hundreds of thousands of Christian men prayed and sang in Washington D-C on Saturday, eager to own up to their failings and halt a nation's moral decline. No matter what their...
News Clip5:39
Associated Press

Massachusetts tribe's ancestors reclaim lost language

Higher Ed
LEADIN The Massachusetts tribe whose ancestors shared a Thanksgiving meal with the Pilgrims nearly 400 years ago is reclaiming its long-lost language. Almost 20 children from Wampanoag households are being taught exclusively in...
News Clip2:37
Associated Press

Morgan Library to display three Gutenberg bibles

Higher Ed
1. Wide exterior of Morgan Library 2. Sign reading: "The Pierpont Morgan Library" 3. Mid of exhibit 4. Pan of exhibit 5. Push to tight shot of a bible 6. SOUNDBITE: (English) John Bidwell, Morgan Library Curator of printed books: "The...
News Clip2:58
Associated Press

Museum of the Bible Opens in DC

Higher Ed
News Clip2:55
Associated Press

Barack Obama will take the oath of office on the Lincoln Bible

Higher Ed
1. Wide of the Lincoln Bible in its holding case, person opening case to reveal bible inside 2. Mid of bible in its case 3. SOUNDBITE: (English) Mark Dimunation, Chief, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress:...
News Clip5:09
Associated Press

A Manga inspired Bible hits the stores

Higher Ed
London - March 5, 2008 1-5. Various of Siku drawing crucifixion scene 6. Zoom into drawing of Christ on cross 7. SOUNDBITE: (English) Siku, illustrator of Manga Bible "For us there's a lot of advantage in saying, let's retell the Bible...
News Clip1:49
Associated Press

The Ohio man detained in North Korea for nearly six months after leaving a Bible in a nightclub said he intended to leave it, hoping a Christian would find it. Jeffrey Fowle said he wanted to 'spread the Gospel out to remote corners.' (Oct. 31)

Higher Ed
FOR CLEAN VERSION SEE STORY NUMBER: apus019869 An American who is back home in Ohio after being detained in North Korea says he left a Bible in a nightclub hoping it would get into the hands of the underground Christian church. In an...
News Clip3:47
Associated Press

Pope to be given two gifts of scripture on his visit to Israel and the West Bank

Higher Ed
Haifa, northern Israel - 26 April 2009 1. Wide of nano-electronics building 2. Scientist working on nano-bible 3. Close up on nano-bible grain on fingertip UPSOUND: (English) "This is a very small piece of silicone chip covered with...
News Clip2:41
Associated Press

Museum dedicated to the promotion of creationism

Higher Ed
1. Tilt down from model of dinosaur to people looking at displays cases 2. People looking at exhibit of dinosaur and person 3. Close up of model of woman in exhibit 4. Close up of dinosaurs 5. SOUNDBITE: (English) Ken Ham, President,...
News Clip1:49
Associated Press

US soldier gets baptised in the waters of the Tigris river

Higher Ed
1. Wide of Barry Page being baptised by Chaplain Xhun Tran 2. Close up of Page going under the water as part of his baptism 3. Close up Page and chaplain getting out of water 4. Page is embraced by a colleague 5. SOUNDBITE (English)...
News Clip1:23
Associated Press

The Estate of Martin Luther King Jr. Inc., which is controlled by his sons, last year asked a judge to order King's daughter to surrender the items. King's three surviving children are the sole shareholders and directors of the estate. (Jan. 13)

Higher Ed
One of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.'s sons declined to say Tuesday whether his father's 1964 Nobel Peace Prize medal and traveling Bible would be sold if a judge rules they belong to the civil rights icon's estate. The Estate of...
News Clip3:00
Associated Press

Old Testament text inscribed on surface the size of pinhead

Higher Ed
1. Exterior of Physics Complex at Technion-Israel Research Institute 2. Text of Bible on regular paper and Nano Bible laid on finger of scientist 3. Close up of tweezers holding Nano bible on finger 4. Pan from screen showing bible text...
News Clip4:32
Associated Press

Gay community living in fear

Higher Ed
Lagos, Nigeria - November 11, 2011 1. Various shots of muslims praying during a Friday juma'h prayer in Lagos. Lagos, Nigeria - November 16, 2011 2. Various same gender bill on computer screen 3. SOUNDBITE (English) Rashidi Williams, gay...
News Clip2:27
Associated Press


Higher Ed
A former leading member of the Ku Klux Klan has spoken out against the white supremacist group, saying its racist attitudes are a serious threat to American society. Johnny Lee Clary, now a born-again Christian, has renounced his ties to...
News Clip3:09
Associated Press

American held in NKorea for months talks about his ordeal for first time

Higher Ed
An American who is back home in Ohio after being detained in North Korea says he left a Bible in a nightclub hoping it would get into the hands of the underground Christian church. In an interview with the Associated Press, Jeffrey Fowle...
News Clip3:09
Associated Press

The Ohio man detained in North Korea for nearly six months after leaving a Bible in a nightclub, said he intended to leave the Bible, hoping a Christian would find it. Jeffrey Fowle said he wanted to 'spread the Gospel out to remote corners.' (Oct. 31)

Higher Ed
An American who is back home in Ohio after being detained in North Korea says he left a Bible in a nightclub hoping it would get into the hands of the underground Christian church. In an interview with the Associated Press, Jeffrey Fowle...
News Clip2:23
Associated Press

Archaeologist says he's found citadel captured by King David in conquest of Jerusalem

Higher Ed
An Israeli archaeologist claims he has found the legendary citadel captured by King David in his conquest of Jerusalem, rekindling a longstanding debate about using the Bible as a field guide to identifying ancient ruins. The claim by...
News Clip1:20
Curated Video

Presiding Bishop of episcopal church on forthcoming Lambeth conference

Higher Ed
1. Wide shot, Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop, US Episcopal Church 2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Katharine Jefferts Schori, Presiding Bishop, US Episcopal Church "We really don't have the authority or the moral right to...
News Clip5:48
Associated Press

Christians feel under siege in divided America

Higher Ed
In a divided America, even in a deeply religious swath of western Kentucky - a state where about half the residents are evangelical - conservative Christians feel under siege.For decades, they say, they have been steadily pushed to the...
News Clip5:44
Associated Press

Israel accuses UNESCO of having an anti-Israel bias

Higher Ed
Israel's Ambassador to UNESCO tore into the organisation, accusing it of having an anti-Israel bias and saying it was "the Titanic of international organisations." Carmel Shama Hacohen said UNESCO had no dignity and thanked US President...
News Clip3:11
Associated Press


Higher Ed
English/Nat In a soul-searching quest for spiritual renewal, hundreds of thousands of Christian men prayed and sang in Washington D-C on Saturday, eager to own up to their failings and halt a nation's moral decline. No matter what their...
News Clip2:17
Associated Press

Israeli museum unveils what it says is the oldest known Jewish prayer book in the world

Higher Ed
An Israeli museum unveiled on Thursday what it believes to be the oldest known Jewish prayer book in the world. The Bible Lands Museum in Jerusalem said the prayer book had been carbon dated by three experts to the year 820 A.D. The book...