Keene College
Geo Granite: Don't Water. . . Shed a Tear
A captivating hands-on activity where students create a watershed and its tributaries, then learn about the watershed's importance in geographic regions.
Keene College
Geo Granite: Describing Places
At this site, explore the concept of regions, learning that regions can be defined in countless ways, depending on a person's perspective.
National Geographic
National Geographic: Observing Physical and Cultural Landscapes
In this lesson, students examine photographs of Europe as they learn to distinguish between physical and cultural characteristics of a landscape, and make observations and inferences about the places and people in the photographs. They...
National Geographic
National Geographic: More Physical Geography and Borders
Lesson on the physical features that create borders and boundaries. Small group and whole class activities, background information, worksheets and assessment.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Ap Human Geography: Geography: Its Nature and Perspectives
AP Human Geography course learning module on the nature and perspectives of geography explores mapping, the importance of location and understanding place, and the fundamentals of geographic thought.
Georgia Department of Education
Ga Virtual Learning: Ap Human Geography: Cultural Patterns
AP Human Geography course learning module on cultural patterns explores characteristics and diffusion of culture, including folk, pop and art.
Keene College
Geo Granite: Is a Nation Always a Region?
This instructional activity assists young scholars in understanding the differences between political constructs and regions.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: South American Cultures
Help your students understand cultures unique to different countries. This lesson plan shows how festivals and celebrations are important to all people no matter what nationality.
Science Struck
Science Struck: Sequent Occupance: Definition and Some Examples
Sequent occupance refers to the imprint left on a region by successive cultures throughout its history. The concept is described here and examples of places around the world are provided.