Instructional Video4:24

TED-Ed: The race to decode a mysterious language | Susan Lupack

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In the early 1900s, archaeologist Sir Arthur Evans uncovered nearly 3,000 tablets inscribed with strange symbols. He thought the script, dubbed Linear B, represented the Minoan language, while others came up with their own theories. Was...
Instructional Video10:07
Curated Video

How Does Language Move? Crash Course Geography

12th - Higher Ed
While we can’t explore every cultural trait in the world, language is an important system of spoken, signed, or written symbols humans use to express themselves. It’s a major marker of identity that often unites members of the same...
Instructional Video5:26
Curated Video

What Whistled Speech Tells Us About How the Brain Interprets Language

12th - Higher Ed
You can find groups of people from all over the world who communicate full conversation by whistling. And neuroscientists found how our brain works with whistled language is mind-blowing.
Instructional Video5:20

TED-Ed: Are Elvish, Klingon, Dothraki and Na'vi real languages? - John McWhorter

Pre-K - Higher Ed
What do Game of Thrones' Dothraki, Avatar's Na'vi, Star Trek's Klingon and LOTR's Elvish have in common? They are all fantasy constructed languages, or conlangs. Conlangs have all the delicious complexities of real languages: a high...
Instructional Video14:12
TED Talks

Suzanne Talhouk: Don't kill your language

12th - Higher Ed
More and more, English is a global language; speaking it is perceived as a sign of being modern. But -- what do we lose when we leave behind our mother tongues? Suzanne Talhouk makes an impassioned case to love your own language, and to...
Instructional Video10:56
TED Talks

Who counts as a speaker of a language? | Anna Babel

12th - Higher Ed
Backed by research and personal anecdotes, Spanish professor Anna Babel reveals the intricate relationship between language and culture, showing how social categories and underlying biases influence the way we hear, regard and,...
Instructional Video4:56
Curated Video

Is Coding a Math Skill or a Language Skill? Neither? Both?

12th - Higher Ed
There are aspects of computer code that look like language and some that seem more like algebra, and since we may be headed for a future where many people will need to learn to code, researchers are interested in figuring out how exactly...
Instructional Video4:54

TED-Ed: Do animals have language? - Michele Bishop

Pre-K - Higher Ed
All animals communicate. But do they have language? Michele Bishop details the four specific qualities we associate with language and investigates whether or not certain animals utilize some or all of those qualities to communicate.
Instructional Video20:07
TED Talks

Mark Pagel: How language transformed humanity

12th - Higher Ed
Biologist Mark Pagel shares an intriguing theory about why humans evolved our complex system of language. He suggests that language is a piece of "social technology" that allowed early human tribes to access a powerful new tool:...
Instructional Video5:17
Curated Video

Want to Speak a Foreign Language Better? Have a Drink

12th - Higher Ed
Drinking could help you master the complexities of speaking a new language, and might actually help you memorize your flashcards!
Instructional Video9:02
Curated Video

Language & Meaning: Crash Course Philosophy

12th - Higher Ed
Today we start our unit on language with a discussion of meaning and how we assign and understand meaning. We’ll cover sense and reference, beetles in boxes, and language games. We’re also getting into the meaning-making game ourselves:...
Instructional Video15:17
TED Talks

TED: The enchanting music of sign language | Christine Sun Kim

12th - Higher Ed
Artist and TED Fellow Christine Sun Kim was born deaf, and she was taught to believe that sound wasn't a part of her life, that it was a hearing person's thing. Through her art, she discovered similarities between American Sign Language...
Instructional Video10:51
Curated Video

Language, Voice, and Holden Caulfield: The Catcher in the Rye Part 1

12th - Higher Ed
In which John Green examines JD Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye. John pulls out the old school literary criticism by examining the text itself rather than paying attention to the biographical or historical context of the novel...
Instructional Video2:18

Why Are Adults Bad At New Languages?

12th - Higher Ed
Learning a new language as an adult is harder than doing so as a child because adults usually aren’t as invested and often use the wrong strategies.
Instructional Video2:15
TED Talks

Murray Gell-Mann: The ancestor of language

12th - Higher Ed
After speaking at TED2007 on elegance in physics, the amazing Murray Gell-Mann gives a quick overview of another passionate interest: finding the common ancestry of our modern languages.
Instructional Video7:23
Curated Video

What We Often Get Wrong About the Brain’s 'Language' Centers

12th - Higher Ed
About 150 years ago, scientists found the two main areas that are responsible for language production and comprehension in the brain. But it turns out they might have over-exaggerated what these parts actually do.
Instructional Video4:45

TED-Ed: How computers translate human language - Ioannis Papachimonas

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Is a universal translator possible in real life? We already have many programs that claim to be able to take a word, sentence, or entire book in one language and translate it into almost any other. The reality, however, is a bit more...
Instructional Video11:16
Curated Video

Natural Language Processing: Crash Course Computer Science

12th - Higher Ed
Today we’re going to talk about how computers understand speech and speak themselves. As computers play an increasing role in our daily lives there has been an growing demand for voice user interfaces, but speech is also terribly...
Instructional Video12:09
Curated Video

Mythical Language and Idiom: Crash Course World Mythology #41

12th - Higher Ed
It's the end of the world, everybody. Well, it's the end of our mythology series, anyway. This week, we're talking about how mythological themes have made their way into the English language. We're taking on the Herculean task of...
Instructional Video8:16
TED Talks

TED: What's your leadership language? | Rosita Najmi

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIn a globe-trotting career that has spanned corporations, governments, nonprofits and philanthropy, Rosita Najmi has often found herself translating among them. Instead of focusing on leadership style, she makes the case for becoming...
Instructional Video16:58
TED Talks

Rajesh Rao: A Rosetta Stone for a lost language

12th - Higher Ed
Rajesh Rao is fascinated by "the mother of all crossword puzzles": how to decipher the 4000-year-old Indus script. He's enlisting modern computation to try to read this lost language, the key to understanding this ancient civilization.
Instructional Video15:39
TED Talks

Ajit Narayanan: A word game to communicate in any language

12th - Higher Ed
While working with kids who have trouble speaking, Ajit Narayanan sketched out a way to think about language in pictures, to relate words and concepts in "maps." The idea now powers the FreeSpeech app, which can help nonverbal people...
Instructional Video12:09
TED Talks

Keith Chen: Could your language affect your ability to save money?

12th - Higher Ed
What can economists learn from linguists? Behavioral economist Keith Chen introduces a fascinating pattern from his research: that languages without a concept for the future -- "It rain tomorrow," instead of "It will rain tomorrow" --...
Instructional Video6:50
TED Talks

TED: Language shouldn't be a barrier to climate action | Sophia Kianni

12th - Higher Ed
Most scientific literature is written only in English, creating an alarming knowledge gap for the 75 percent of the world who don't speak it. That's a big problem for climate change -- because it's hard to take action on something you...

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