Instructional Video12:36
TED Talks

Noah Wilson-Rich: Every city needs healthy honey bees

12th - Higher Ed
Bees have been rapidly and mysteriously disappearing from rural areas, with grave implications for agriculture. But bees seem to flourish in urban environments -- and cities need their help, too. Noah Wilson-Rich suggests that urban...
Instructional Video11:31

Antihistamines for Everything?

12th - Higher Ed
When you think of antihistamines, you're probably only thinking about getting rid of a runny nose, but we're learning that antihistamines can be used for nausea, insomnia, and even depression!
Instructional Video11:07

The Rise and Fall of Cahokia: North America’s First City

12th - Higher Ed
They often don’t get as much attention, but North America had major cities long before European colonizers arrived, but the residents left behind no written history. How have archaeologists pieced together the details of these population...
Instructional Video2:17

When Trees Go Nuts

12th - Higher Ed
Every once in a while, all the oaks or spruces or other plants in a region suddenly produce a tremendous bounty of seeds – up to 100 times more than usual. But why do they do it, and how do they all manage to sync up?...
Instructional Video11:59
TED Talks

TED: The beautiful nano details of our world | Gary Greenberg

12th - Higher Ed
When photographed under a 3D microscope, grains of sand appear like colorful pieces of candy and the stamens in a flower become like fantastical spires at an amusement park. Gary Greenberg reveals the thrilling details of the micro world.
Instructional Video10:55

5 Strangely Familiar Ancient Animals

12th - Higher Ed
Once evolution finds a trick that works, it tends to repeat it. Here are a few examples of prehistoric animals that look a lot like ones we know today. chapters 0:00 0:06 0:13 0:20 0:27 0:34
Instructional Video3:22
SciShow Kids

The World’s Smelliest Flower

K - 5th
Most of us love flowers for how good they smell! But did you know some flowers are actually pretty stinky? Join Jessi and Squeaks to learn all about Trudy: The World's Smelliest Flower!
Instructional Video2:55

These Plants Are the Same Species

12th - Higher Ed
Sometimes the males and females of a species can look really different from each other. This is pretty common in animals (think peacocks), but there are some plant species out there with extreme sexual dimorphism! And now scientists...
Instructional Video18:52

20 Minutes of Amazing Stuff About Bees

12th - Higher Ed
Bees, they're important and amazing creatures, and with spring on the way we thought we'd share another round of our favorite bee episodes.
Instructional Video4:31

Wasp Nests and Bee Hives

12th - Higher Ed
How can you tell the difference between a yellowjacket and a hornet? And how much cosmic XP do you need to evolve a wasp into a bee? Follow the insect that stung you, and discover the fascinating world of wasp nests and bee hives.
Instructional Video5:29
SciShow Kids

How Do Bees Make Honey? | The Science of Food! | SciShow Kids

K - 5th
A lot of our food comes from plants, including honey! Mister Brown and Squeaks learn how honey goes from being watery nectar in a flower to the sweet sticky substance we all know and love - and it's all thanks to bees!
Instructional Video12:57

SciShow: Bees Compilation

12th - Higher Ed
We are in spring! And with spring come bees! In this episode of SciShow Compilation we bring the best episodes of bees and honey!
Instructional Video4:22

Pollinating With Bubbles and Some Other Good News You Might Have Missed

12th - Higher Ed
We've found a microbe that might someday protect us from malaria parasites, and bees might have help with their jobs soon, thanks to bubble pollination!
Instructional Video4:29

Wasp Nests and Bee Hives

12th - Higher Ed
How can you tell the difference between a yellowjacket and a hornet? And how much cosmic XP do you need to evolve a wasp into a bee? Follow the insect that stung you, and discover the fascinating world of wasp nests and bee hives.
Instructional Video2:53

These Plants Are the Same Species

12th - Higher Ed
Sometimes the males and females of a species can look really different from each other. This is pretty common in animals (think peacocks), but there are some plant species out there with extreme sexual dimorphism! And now scientists...
Instructional Video3:34

Plants That Keep Themselves Warm

12th - Higher Ed
Sometimes, plants do unexpected things. Like control their own body temperature.
Instructional Video7:46

Half of All Plants Are Invisible

12th - Higher Ed
If you see an acorn sprout under an oak tree, you're seeing that tree's grandchild. Here's why half of all higher plants are invisible, and why it works for them.
Instructional Video3:47
Mazz Media


6th - 8th
In this live-action program viewers will learn that pollination is a key step in sexual reproduction among all flowering plants and the purpose of pollination is to allow individual plants to exchange genetic information. Students will...
Instructional Video5:32

Weather Things: Causes of Seasons:

6th - 8th
The orbit of Earth on a tilted axis around the sun leads to the seasons. The resulting change of angle of the sun, and length of day controls how warm we get at different times of the year. With those changes in seasons come changes in...
Instructional Video2:30

Weather Things: Autumn

6th - 8th
The orbit of Earth on a tilted axis around the sun leads to the seasons. The resulting change of angle of the sun, and length of day controls how warm we get at different times of the year. With those changes in seasons come changes in...
Instructional Video2:55

Weather Things: Seasonal Changes

6th - 8th
The orbit of Earth on a tilted axis around the sun leads to the seasons. The resulting change of angle of the sun, and length of day controls how warm we get at different times of the year. With those changes in seasons come changes in...
Instructional Video1:39

Weather Things: Spring

6th - 8th
The orbit of Earth on a tilted axis around the sun leads to the seasons. The resulting change of angle of the sun, and length of day controls how warm we get at different times of the year. With those changes in seasons come changes in...
Instructional Video16:03
Mazz Media

Way Cool Science II: Seeds and Plants

6th - 8th
Friendly and fun host, Max Orbit, asks questions about the world and searches for answers. This DVD series is designed to engage students while introducing scientific principles and concepts in a fun and entertaining way. In this program...
Instructional Video5:23
Professor Dave Explains

Gymnosperms: Long-Distance Pollination

12th - Higher Ed
We've made through a number of vascular plants so far, but it's time to examine gymnosperms. These include plants like pine trees, and any plant that bears cones. These plants exhibit an important evolutionary advantage over previous...

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