Instructional Video0:40
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Performance: Cassius, Lines 66-78

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIn this video, Cassius assures Brutus of his sincerity, describing how he will act as a mirror to reflect truths about Brutus that he does not yet know. He emphasizes his loyalty and contrasts himself with deceitful flatterers, asking...
Instructional Video1:39
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Performance: Cassius, Lines 135-161

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video presents a dramatic reading from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," focusing on themes of power, destiny, and individual agency. The excerpt discusses the disproportionate influence of Caesar over others, likening him to a...
Instructional Video0:44
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Performance: Casca, Lines 261-272

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewEnjoy an in-depth analysis of a pivotal moment in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" where Caesar, after refusing the crown multiple times, offers his throat to the crowd as a test of their loyalty and affection. This video explores the...
Instructional Video0:56
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Performance: Casca, Lines 234-248

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewDive into a detailed analysis of a key scene from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," where Marc Antony offers Caesar a crown three times, and Caesar refuses each offer. The video examines the political and psychological undertones of this...
Instructional Video0:38
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Performance: Brutus, Lines 36b-47

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores a profound moment from Shakespeare's work, where Brutus articulates his internal conflicts and emotional turmoil to Cassius. He reveals his personal struggles and the impact they have on his behavior towards others....
Instructional Video0:49
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Mythological Reference: Trojan War

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video delves into the pivotal moment from Greek mythology, highlighting the Trojan War's end and the role of the Trojan Prince Aeneas. It explains how, amidst Troy's destruction, Aeneas heroically saved his father by carrying him...
Instructional Video2:26
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Lupercal Festival

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores the rich tapestry of festival days in ancient Rome, focusing on the Lupercal - a celebration of fertility and the mythical founding of Rome. Delving into the customs and rituals, such as goat sacrifices to Faunus and...
Instructional Video9:47
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Interview: Soothsayer

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video offers a unique insight into the role of a soothsayer in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," focusing on the crucial moment where Caesar is warned about the Ides of March. Discover the ancient practice of divination, the...
Instructional Video1:27
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2 Historical Reference: Clothing Rules

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis segment explores Shakespeare's use of contemporary references to connect with his audience, using the example of plebeians wearing "night caps" during the Lupercal ceremony. It illustrates how Shakespeare blends historical elements...
Instructional Video0:25
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.2

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis passage from "Julius Caesar" delves into the themes of power, influence, and personal responsibility, portraying Caesar as a dominant force over Rome, likened to the Colossus. It provides a foundation for discussions on leadership,...
Instructional Video1:12
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Wordplay: “awl” and “mettle”

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis analysis unpacks the cobbler's dialogue in "Julius Caesar," demonstrating Shakespeare's mastery in layering humor with wordplay. Through a simple conversation about a cobbler's tools, the segment reveals deeper insights into...
Instructional Video0:36
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Word Nerd: Pitch

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis segment from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" uses the metaphor of a bird's flight to discuss themes of power and control, illustrating how ambition can elevate individuals above their peers, potentially to society's detriment. It...
Instructional Video6:47
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Roman Republic

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis overview traces the Roman Republic from its inception, highlighting its mixed governmental structure designed to prevent tyranny, to its decline amidst corruption and power struggles. The backdrop of Julius Caesar's rise to power,...
Instructional Video1:12
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Performance: Marullus, Lines 32-55

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis passage from Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" captures a moment of intense rebuke directed at the Roman populace for their fickle loyalty. As Caesar returns to Rome in triumph, having defeated Pompey's sons, a voice of dissent...
Instructional Video1:07
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Historical Reference: Triumph

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explains the Roman triumph, an ancient ceremony and the highest honor bestowed upon a victorious general by the Senate. It details how such an event involved a grand procession through Rome's streets, celebrated by all, and...
Instructional Video1:37
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Historical Reference: Clothing Laws

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores how William Shakespeare, in his portrayal of ancient Rome in "Julius Caesar," incorporates 16th-century English customs and values, particularly in the domain of clothing and professional identity. Through Flavius's...
Instructional Video1:17
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Double Meaning: "mender of soles"

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video delves into the intricate wordplay of a cobbler's remark in a Shakespearean dialogue, revealing a double meaning that intertwines the cobbler's profession with Christian theology. This layered interpretation serves as an...
Instructional Video0:52
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Double Meaning: "being out"

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video provides an insightful analysis of a dialogue between Marullus and a cobbler, showcasing Shakespeare's clever use of language and wordplay. The discussion highlights how the cobbler's response to Marullus's irritation carries...
Instructional Video4:19
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 1.1 Caesar’s Rise to Power

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores the dramatic rise of Julius Caesar against the backdrop of the Roman Republic's political dynamics, highlighting his early alliance with Pompey, his unparalleled military successes in Gaul, and the consequential civil...
Instructional Video0:40
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 3.3 Scene Summary

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIn this video, Cinna wanders the streets of Rome, unsure why he feels compelled to leave his home. He encounters a group of agitated citizens fueled by Antony's recent speech. When they discover his name is Cinna, they mistakenly believe...
Instructional Video3:04
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 3.3 Interview: Plebeians

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIn this video, a tense and confused crowd in Rome questions a speaker who tries to address the public's unrest following Caesar's assassination. The crowd's suspicion and anger reflect the chaotic atmosphere in Rome, as they demand...
Instructional Video7:57
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 3.3 Interview: Cinna the Poet

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIn this video, a mix-up leads to a humorous yet tense situation where Cinna the poet is mistaken for Cinna the conspirator. As he tries to explain his identity and defend his innocence, the misunderstanding escalates, highlighting the...
Instructional Video4:36
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 3.2 Scene Summary

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewIn this video, Brutus speaks to a restless crowd in Rome, defending his role in Caesar's assassination as a patriotic act for the good of Rome. Following Brutus, Mark Antony subtly manipulates public sentiment, turning the crowd towards...
Instructional Video0:43
Curated Video

Julius Caesar 3.2 Performance: Brutus, Lines 35-46

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores Brutus's justification for his involvement in Julius Caesar's assassination, emphasizing his belief that his actions were necessary for the good of Rome. Brutus declares his readiness to sacrifice his own life for...

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