Instructional Video2:02
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.5 Interview with Macbeth

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores Act 5, Scene 5 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," focusing on Macbeth's reflection on life and inevitability as he learns of Lady Macbeth's death. Viewers will gain insight into the themes of fate, existential despair, and...
Instructional Video0:09
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.4 Performance: Malcolm, Lines 4-7a

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video features a dramatic performance of Malcolm's strategic orders in Act 5, Scene 4 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth." Malcolm directs each soldier to cut down a branch and use it for camouflage, a tactic aimed at concealing their troop...
Instructional Video0:12
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.4 Performance: Malcolm, Lines 10b-14a

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video features a performance of Malcolm's pivotal lines in Act 5, Scene 4 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," where he instructs his soldiers to camouflage themselves with branches from Birnam Wood. The scene is a critical moment that...
Instructional Video0:50
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.3 Word Nerd: Physic

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores the historical and linguistic context of the term "physic" as used in Shakespeare's "Macbeth." It details Macbeth's usage of the term in relation to the relief and pleasure he derives from royal hospitality,...
Instructional Video0:30
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.3 Performance: Macbeth, Lines 39b-45a

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video features a critical passage from Act 5, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," where Macbeth pleads with a doctor to cure Lady Macbeth's tormented psyche. It explores Macbeth's desperate wish for an antidote that could erase...
Instructional Video0:40
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.3 Performance: Macbeth, Lines 1-10

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video delves into the opening lines of Act 5, Scene 3 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," focusing on Macbeth's defiant rejection of further reports until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane. It explores Macbeth’s reliance on supernatural...
Instructional Video1:22
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.3 Interview with Macbeth

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video delves into a key moment in Act 5 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," where Macbeth reflects on the futility of fearing anything, despite the gathering of 10,000 troops against him. It examines Macbeth's stoic yet conflicted responses...
Instructional Video0:14
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.2 Performance: Caithness, Lines 26b-30a

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores a performance from Act 5, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," where Caithness speaks about marching to support Malcolm, the rightful king. It discusses the motif of healing and cleansing a diseased nation,...
Instructional Video0:15
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.2 Performance: Caithness, Lines 13-17a

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video focuses on a performance of Act 5, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," where Caithness discusses Macbeth's desperate fortification of Dunsinane and the varied perceptions of his mental state. The analysis highlights how some...
Instructional Video0:24
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.2 Performance: Angus, Lines 17b-23a

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis performance presents a poignant moment for Angus in Act 5, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," where the dialogue captures Macbeth's psychological decline and his crumbling authority. It analyzes how Macbeth's guilt over his past...
Instructional Video0:42
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.2 Interview with Macbeth

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video analyzes Act 5, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," focusing on the gathering momentum as Scottish nobles align with Malcolm and his English forces. It delves into the psychological state of Macbeth, as characters speculate on...
Instructional Video0:44
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Word Nerd: Watch

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video delves into the etymology of the word "watch," tracing it back to the same Germanic root as "wake." It discusses how, in Shakespeare's works, "watching" referred to being vigilantly awake, as when the doctor observes Lady...
Instructional Video0:59
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Word Nerd: Perfume

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores the etymology of the word "perfume," originating from the Latin "per fumum," which means "through smoke." The video also touches on Shakespeare's ironic use of the word in "Macbeth," where Lady Macbeth uses perfumes...
Instructional Video0:49
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Word Nerd: Mate

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explains the origins and meanings of the word "mate," which traces back to the Latin word "mactare," meaning to kill. Additionally, the segment links to Shakespeare's clever wordplay, highlighting how "mate" relates to Lady...
Instructional Video0:43
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Word Nerd: Charge

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explains the etymology and varied uses of the word "charge." Originating from the Latin "carricare," meaning to load, the term has evolved to include meanings such as preparing a cannon for firing or energizing someone...
Instructional Video0:37
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Lady Macbeth, Lines 60-62

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video features a performance from Act 5, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," by Lady Macbeth. In her sleepwalking state, she hauntingly repeats "To bed, to bed, to bed," revealing her deep psychological distress and desperate desire...
Instructional Video0:18
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Lady Macbeth, Lines 56-58

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video captures a poignant moment from Act 5, Scene 1 of "Macbeth," where Lady Macbeth, in a state of sleepwalking, is obsessed with washing her hands, symbolizing her attempt to cleanse herself of guilt. She reassures herself that...
Instructional Video0:21
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Lady Macbeth, Lines 45-47

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video presents a captivating performance from Act 5, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth." In this intense scene, Lady Macbeth, plagued by guilt and sleepwalking, speaks of the seemingly endless bloodshed and its haunting consequences.
Instructional Video0:33
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Lady Macbeth, Lines 38-41

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video showcases a poignant performance from Act 5, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth." In this scene, Lady Macbeth, deeply troubled and sleepwalking, murmurs to herself about the indelible stains of her deeds, metaphorically...
Instructional Video0:58
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Lady Macbeth, Lines 28-36

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis performance from "Macbeth" highlights Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking scene, where she desperately tries to wash imaginary blood from her hands. Her repeated cries of "Out, damned spot! Out, I say!" underscore her overwhelming guilt and...
Instructional Video3:51
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Lady Macbeth

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video presents a detailed examination of Lady Macbeth's harrowing sleepwalking scene from Act 5, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth." As she roams in her sleep, Lady Macbeth reveals her deep-seated guilt and despair over the murders...
Instructional Video0:50
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Doctor and Gentlewoman, Lines 63-74

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video explores a critical scene from Act 5 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," where the doctor and a gentlewoman discuss Lady Macbeth's disturbed state as she prepares to go to bed. The doctor comments on the unnatural troubles stemming...
Instructional Video0:26
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Doctor and Gentlewoman, Lines 48-55

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis performance from "Macbeth" Act 5, Scene 1 examines the poignant moment when the doctor reflects on Lady Macbeth's sleepwalking condition, recognizing it as a manifestation of her immense psychological distress. He notes the heavy...
Instructional Video0:12
Curated Video

Macbeth 5.1 Performance: Doctor and Gentlewoman, Lines 42-44

6th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video features a dramatic performance from Act 5, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's "Macbeth," where the Doctor and Gentlewoman discuss Lady Macbeth's unsettling sleepwalking episodes. The scene captures the Doctor's growing concern about...

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