Instructional Video4:10

Intersex Across the Animal Kingdom

12th - Higher Ed
Do you think animals can be divided into two biological sexes: female and male? Well, it's way more complicated that that!_
Instructional Video4:03

Why do we have hair in such random places? | Nina G. Jablonski

Pre-K - Higher Ed
We have lots in common with our closest primate relatives. But comparatively, humans seem a bit... underdressed. Instead of thick fur covering our bodies, many of us mainly have hair on top of our heads— and a few other places. So, how...
Instructional Video2:36

Is the Y Chromosome Disappearing?

12th - Higher Ed
Scientists know that the Y chromosome has been shrinking in size over millions of years, but recent studies suggest that it has more important genes, besides the ones that cause biological maleness.
Instructional Video12:40

Why Babies Are (Scientifically) Amazing

12th - Higher Ed
Babies are amazing, tiny humans. They’re so fascinating that we’ve done a lot of videos about them, so we’ve collected a bunch of our favorites here for you to enjoy!
Instructional Video8:24
Bozeman Science


12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains the concept of coevolution. He begins with an analogy comparing the relationship of humans to technology with those of coevolving species. He then discriminates between coevolution and convergent evolution. He...
Instructional Video4:10

Huge Sperm and Giant Tentacles: Relax, It's Marine Biology

12th - Higher Ed
SciShow shares the latest developments in science, this week including new insights into the evolution of giant sperm, and the discovery of a whole new order of animal.
Instructional Video19:06
TED Talks

Danny Hillis: Back to the future (of 1994)

12th - Higher Ed
From deep in the TED archive, Danny Hillis outlines an intriguing theory of how and why technological change seems to be accelerating, by linking it to the very evolution of life itself. The presentation techniques he uses may look...
Instructional Video8:10

Cockroaches, Alligators & Other Weird Sources of New Drugs

12th - Higher Ed
Some of humanity’s favorite antibiotics are starting to lose their mojo, in the face of smart, sneaky, and rapidly-evolving bacteria. To find new drugs to combat these superbugs, scientists are looking in some weird new places, like...
Instructional Video3:58

Huge Sperm and Giant Tentacles: Relax, It's Marine Biology

12th - Higher Ed
SciShow shares the latest developments in science, this week including new insights into the evolution of giant sperm, and the discovery of a whole new order of animal. ----------
Instructional Video7:58
Food Farmer Earth

Alan Kapuler: Man of Science, Ideas, and Humanity -2

12th - Higher Ed
Alan Kapuler is a well-educated man, both in a formal academic sense, and also from a lifetime of hands-on work as an organic plant breeder: planting, breeding, and cataloging his vast collection of open pollinated seeds.
Instructional Video3:40
Curated Video

What are viruses

12th - Higher Ed
In this video we are going to look at what viruses are. Viruses are a type of microorganism. They are too small to be seen with the naked eye: much smaller than bacteria, and about 100 times smaller than human cells. They come in many...
Instructional Video6:19
Curated Video

How Twins are Made | Identical, Fraternal, and Others??

Higher Ed
Do you know how twins are made? I was surprised to learn how many people thought they knew but didn't. In this video, I clear up any confusion related to twinning (from a biological perspective). Watch this video and impress your friends...
Instructional Video3:04
Curated Video

Optimism, Confirmed

12th - Higher Ed
Emory University anthropologist and bestselling author Frans de Waal relates how many aspects of his intuitively optimistic view of human and animal nature became confirmed through his many concrete experimental tests.
Instructional Video7:17
Professor Dave Explains

Introduction to Anthropology

12th - Higher Ed
Humans go by the name of Homo sapiens. How did our species come to be? How and when was human civilization developed? The fields that seek to answer these huge questions are anthropology and archeology. We will study the evolution of...
Instructional Video5:59
Professor Dave Explains

Introduction to Biopsychology

12th - Higher Ed
Let's learn all about the human brain! It's the most complex and fascinating object in the known universe. It's the source of our consciousness, so we wouldn't be much without it. This course will assume prior knowledge from my...
Instructional Video4:30
Curated Video

Why Does Biodiversity Matter To Me?

12th - Higher Ed
Biodiversity is the variety of life. It can be studied on many levels, from looking at all of the 8.7 million species on our planet to a specific ecosystem like a patch of woodland. In this video we are going to look at the importance of...
Instructional Video3:54
Brainwaves Video Anthology

Allison Kaufman - Animal Creativity and Innovation

Higher Ed
Allison B. Kaufman, PhD is a research scientist with the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Connecticut, where she also teaches as a adjunct professor in the departments of Marine Biology and Psychology....
Curated Video

Why We Need Sleep

Pre-K - Higher Ed
All animals, including humans, need to sleep. Scientists have several theories that help explain why we sleep. In this episode of But Why, a child sleep psychologist describes the evolutionary theory of sleep and explains how sleep...
Instructional Video8:14
Professor Dave Explains

Introduction to the Microbial World

12th - Higher Ed
It's time to learn about microorganisms! These are all the tiny little critters in the water, and the air, and in the ground, and inside you. We didn't even know they were there until a few hundred years ago, but once we started to learn...
Instructional Video9:39
Catalyst University

Prions | Mad Cow Disease & Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD)

Higher Ed
In this video, I discuss the mechanism of propagation and development of Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD), the human form of Mad Cow Disease (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) which is conferred from infected cows.
Instructional Video6:41
After Skool

ARE YOU AN ALPHA? - Simon Sinek - Why Leaders Eat Last

12th - Higher Ed
In this in-depth talk, ethnographer and leadership expert Simon Sinek reveals the hidden dynamics that inspire leadership and trust. In biological terms, leaders get the first pick of food and other spoils, but at a cost. When danger is...
Instructional Video3:05
Curated Video

The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection

12th - Higher Ed
Where did humans, and all the other living things on our planet come from? This problem puzzled humans for centuries, and there have been many different theories through the ages. Then, in the mid 19th century, along came a naturalist...
Instructional Video4:55

Animal Adaptations: Survival Strategies in Nature

K - 5th
Explore the fascinating world of animal adaptations, where species develop physical and behavioral traits to thrive in their environments. Discover how sharks, bears, raccoons, and other animals have evolved to fit their habitats, from...
Instructional Video4:42
Professor Dave Explains

Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

12th - Higher Ed
Staphylococcus aureus is the bacteria responsible for what we commonly refer to as a staph infection. They are extremely common, but they are also developing antibiotic resistance at an alarming rate. Let's take a look at these now.