Instructional Video5:03

Lower Your Risk of Cancer Now with These 3 Strategies

12th - Higher Ed
Did you know there are everyday practices that can reduce your risk of Cancer? Science can prove it. In a study published this week in the journal Frontiers in Aging, researchers propose a combination of simple strategies to help prevent...
Instructional Video4:59

Preventing Cancer? Scientists Try Combining Three Strategies

12th - Higher Ed
What Do Exercise, Omega-3s, and Vitamin D Have in Common? Cancer. In a study published this week in the journal Frontiers in Aging, researchers propose a combination of simple strategies to help prevent the development of invasive...
Instructional Video6:24
Healthcare Triage

You Can Do a Lot to Prevent Some Cancers

Higher Ed
Americans seem very afraid of cancer. Much of this fear is legitimate. Cancer is a significant cause of death. Unlike other causes, it often seems to come out of nowhere. It's the "silent killer". But evidence increasingly argues that...
Curated Video

Preventing Cancer at a Cellular Level

Pre-K - Higher Ed
More money is spent on treating cancer than preventing it within the United States. However, scientists are getting closer to finding out if cell growth within our bodies promotes already existing cancer. Scientists are examining...
Instructional Video18:23
Global Health with Greg Martin

Cancer - a growing problem

Higher Ed
This video is about the burden of cancer in both developed and developing countries and what needs to be done to prevent cancer
Instructional Video9:19

6 Common Misconceptions About Cancer

12th - Higher Ed
Today we take a look at six misconceptions about cancer that seem plausible, but just don't hold up. Chapters SHARKS DON'T GET CANCER & TAKING SHARK CARTILAGE SUPPLEMENTS WILL CURE OR PREVENT CANCER 0:45 IF YOU HAVE CANCER YOU SHOULD...
Instructional Video4:42

TED-ED: Who's at risk for colon cancer? - Amit H. Sachdev and Frank G. Gress

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Colon cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer and cancer death in the world. It is also one of the most preventable types of cancer, as it often takes about ten years for a small polyp to grow and develop into a cancerous one. So...
Instructional Video9:09

The 6 Most Common Myths About Cancer

12th - Higher Ed
Cancer is a terrible disease that often ends up the subject of a lot of speculation. In this episode, we'll be debunking these 6 common myths about cancer. All of this stuff seems plausible, but these misconceptions just don't hold up....
Instructional Video6:04

Have We Discovered a Cure for Cancer... on Accident?

12th - Higher Ed
Is there actually a cure for cancer? A universal cure would be a truly historic achievement in medicine, and it seems that scientists may have found it... by accident. Watch this new episode of SciShow and find out more! Hosted by: Hank...
Instructional Video19:59
TED Talks

TED: Can we eat to starve cancer? | William Li

12th - Higher Ed
(NOTE: This talk was given in 2010, and this field of science has developed quickly since then. Enjoy it as a piece of science history but not as the last word on this topic. Read "Criticisms & updates" below for more details.) William...
Instructional Video6:03
TED Talks

TED: Good news in the fight against pancreatic cancer | Laura Indolfi

12th - Higher Ed
Anyone who has lost a loved one to pancreatic cancer knows the devastating speed with which it can affect an otherwise healthy person. TED Fellow and biomedical entrepreneur Laura Indolfi is developing a revolutionary way to treat this...
Instructional Video3:19

Angelina Jolie & Breast Cancer

12th - Higher Ed
What would you do if you found out that cancer could be lurking in your genes? More people are getting news like that these days as more kinds of cancer are being linked to specific genes and genetic tests let doctors screen your...
Instructional Video15:20
TED Talks

TED: Is there a link between cancer and heart disease? | Nicholas Leeper

12th - Higher Ed
Does the key to stopping cancer lie in the heart? Cardiologist Nicholas Leeper digs into emerging scientific research on the link between the world's two leading causes of death, heart disease and cancer, sharing how their biological...
Instructional Video8:23

Can You Catch Cancer?

12th - Higher Ed
Can you catch cancer from someone else?
Instructional Video1:13
Curated Video

New Hope for Breast Cancer Prevention: The Promise of Femara

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Femara, a hormonal drug, has shown promising results in preventing the recurrence of breast cancer in women who have undergone treatment. Unlike tamoxifen, which can only be given for five years, Femara has proven to be highly effective...
Instructional Video1:00

Cancer cells take the path of least resistance!

12th - Higher Ed
Believe it or not, cancer cells are actually lazy! New research reveals that while cancer cells can spread quickly through the body, they’re slow and will opt for the easiest, widest spaces to navigate to reduce energy requirements...
Instructional Video8:13
JJ Medicine

Foods to Avoid with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Symptoms and Risk of Prostate Cancer

Higher Ed
An enlarged prostate (also known as Benign prostatic hyperplasia) is a relatively common condition that increases in prevalence as men get older. Certain dietary and lifestyle choices can influence the growth of the prostate, the...
Instructional Video2:01
Curated Video

Debating Genetic Screening: A Family's Journey with Breast Cancer

Pre-K - Higher Ed
This video explores the ethical implications of extending embryo scanning in Britain, focusing on the case of Vicki Jones and her daughter Millie, who are at risk of inheriting a genetic predisposition to breast cancer. It raises...
Instructional Video7:24
Healthcare Triage

Who Decides Which Tests Are Effective? The US Preventive Services Task Force

Higher Ed
The US Preventive Services Task Force was created in 1984 to make evidence-based recommendations about clinical services, like screening, that comprise essential elements of preventive care. It is comprised of expert volunteers in fields...
Instructional Video10:00
JJ Medicine

Best Foods to Eat with Enlarged Prostate | Reduce Risk of Symptoms, Enlargement & Cancer

Higher Ed
An enlarged prostate (also known as Benign prostatic hyperplasia) is a relatively common condition that increases in prevalence as men get older. Certain foods and diets can influence the growth of the prostate and worsen associated...
Instructional Video0:55
Next Animation Studio

Eating certain vegetables can help prevent colon cancer

12th - Higher Ed
While it's been well-established that vegetables have many health benefits, the mechanisms behind them have largely remained unknown.
Instructional Video3:42

How Prostate Cancer Works

6th - 11th
Help promote prostate cancer awareness! TWEET IT: http://clicktotweet.com/9cm8U and share where you can. We care about our dads, uncles, grandpas - and all of the men in our lives. So why not understand the basics underlying the 2nd...
Instructional Video5:53

A Vaccine Against ... Cancer?

12th - Higher Ed
If we can get it to work in humans, it will save a lot of lives.
Instructional Video1:10
Next Animation Studio

2018 Nobel Prize for Medicine awarded to duo's work on cancer immunotherapy

12th - Higher Ed
The 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to James P. Allison and Tasuku Honjo for their immunotherapy work in the fight against cancer.

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