Instructional Video18:37
TED Talks

TED: The moral roots of liberals and conservatives | Jonathan Haidt

12th - Higher Ed
Psychologist Jonathan Haidt studies the five moral values that form the basis of our political choices, whether we're left, right or center. In this eye-opening talk, he pinpoints the moral values that liberals and conservatives tend to...
Instructional Video14:14
TED Talks

TED: A conservative's plea: Let's work together | Arthur Brooks

12th - Higher Ed
Conservatives and liberals both believe that they alone are motivated by love while their opponents are motivated by hate. How can we solve problems with so much polarization? In this talk, social scientist Arthur Brooks shares ideas for...
Instructional Video5:22
Espresso Media

The Importance of Educating the Public on Water Conservation

9th - 12th
In this video, a teacher discusses the importance of educating the public about water conservation in the face of drought and water scarcity. He shares his experiences presenting to school children and highlights the need for everyone to...
Instructional Video2:27
Curated Video

Service Learning in Action: Youth Conservation School Improves Chesapeake Bay Watershed

9th - 12th
The video showcases young students from the Lancaster County Youth Conservation School who participated in a program to improve the health of a stream in Chesapeake Bay watershed. They share their experiences and the impact they had on...
Instructional Video9:30
Maddie Moate

Sea Turtle Conservation! (Baby Turtles!)| Maddie Moate

K - 5th
Greg and I visited the GILI MENO TURTLE SANCTUARY to learn more about what they do to help the turtles, why they are endangered and how we can help. Click on the links below for more information about Hawksbill Turtles, The Gili Meno...
Instructional Video5:19
TED Talks

Mark Tercek: An ingenious proposal for scaling up marine protection

12th - Higher Ed
Island and coastal nations need to protect their waters to keep the oceans healthy. But they often have lots of debt and aren't able to prioritize ocean conservation over other needs. Mark Tercek and his team at The Nature Conservancy...
Instructional Video2:24

Conservation Triage: Prioritizing Species for Survival

12th - Higher Ed
This video highlights the urgent issue of wildlife extinction and proposes a medical triage approach to prioritize species for conservation efforts. It questions the current emphasis on charismatic species like pandas, suggesting that we...
Instructional Video13:31
TED Talks

TED: A drone's-eye view of conservation | Lian Pin Koh

12th - Higher Ed
Ecologist Lian Pin Koh makes a persuasive case for using drones to protect the world's forests and wildlife. These lightweight autonomous flying vehicles can track animals in their natural habitat, monitor the health of rainforests, even...
Instructional Video15:45
Then & Now

Neuropolitics of Liberals & Conservatives (& why its fMRI Trash)

9th - 11th
In this video, I look at research in neuroscience that tries to explain what drives the political beliefs of conservatives and liberals. While neuropolitics is an exciting new field, there is much to be skeptical of. Some have even...
Instructional Video6:15
The Guardian

Online abuse is a serious issue that shouldn't be politicised | Owen Jones talks

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Online abuse is being talked about a great deal at the moment. There have been some real scandals, like the alleged bullying of young Tory activist Elliot Johnson by Mark Clarke, the 'Tatler Tory' or the Conservative MP, Lucy Allan, who...
Instructional Video6:31
Curated Video

This goofy bird vs. the fossil fuel industry

9th - 11th
The sage grouse looks funny. It's also really important. Become a Video Lab member! http://bit.ly/video-lab The mating ritual of the sage grouse is one of nature's most bizarre and alluring performances. It's also very predictable, which...
Instructional Video20:54
Curated Video

Vanishing Species - Biological Diversity and Conservation

Higher Ed
In this lecture, I introduce the topic of biodiversity, and talk about why biodiversity is important. I end the section talking about threats to biodiversity. Things like Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation and habitat degradation.
Instructional Video9:09

Sturgeon Demands Scottish Independence. Will She Get It? - TLDR Explains

12th - Higher Ed
In last week's general election the SNP got a huge boost in the polls, gaining a majority of seats in Scotland and a plurality of votes. This leads some to believe that the party has the mandate to call for a second Scottish independence...
Instructional Video8:39

Why Are The Tories (still) Polling So Poorly?

12th - Higher Ed
Recent political events, including a controversial immigration bill and several government mistakes during the lockdown, have had an impact on polling numbers. Labour has sustained their lead in many political views, and, although Rishi...
Instructional Video4:54
Curated Video

2022 Election? Rumours Johnson will Call an Early General Election Explained - TLDR News

12th - Higher Ed
In theory, the next UK General Election is supposed to take place in 2024, but many are suggesting it could happen sooner than that, with some rumors suggesting as early as 2022. So in this video, we discuss those rumors and explain what...
Instructional Video10:25
Curated Video

Owen Paterson Scandal Explained - TLDR News

12th - Higher Ed
Yesterday the Tories acted to defend MP Owen Paterson, who's been accused of breaking parliamentary rules. In response, many in the opposition (and even some on the right) accused the Tories of manipulating the rules to back their own;...
Instructional Video18:24
Curated Video

Paul Martin: Taking A Stand On Financial Regulation

Higher Ed
Canada has long received credit for its economic turnaround under the stewardship of Paul Martin, the country’s former prime minister and finance minister. In general, Martin has received justifiable plaudits but often for the wrong...
Instructional Video4:58
Curated Video

Why The Supreme Court's Major LGBTQ Ruling Was so Shocking What it Means for the Future - TLDR News

12th - Higher Ed
Yesterday the US supreme court made a major ruling in favour of LGBTQ+ rights. The decision was good news for activists, but it also represented a major surprise, with two conservatives justices siding with the four more liberal judges...
Instructional Video2:08
Curated Video

“Turn Off the Water!” Music Video

3rd - 8th
New Review“Turn Off the Water” is an energetic, upbeat song showcasing some simple ways kids can be part of the solution right now - at home and at school - simply by turning off the water when they're not using it. Use this song to introduce the...
Instructional Video4:23

The Impact of Palm Oil: Controversies and Challenges in Indonesia

12th - Higher Ed
This video explores the impact of the oil palm tree on Indonesia, focusing on its negative reputation due to deforestation, climate change, human rights abuses, and land conflicts. It highlights the economic benefits and high...
Instructional Video5:48

Indonesia's Palm Oil Industry: The Blame Game and Environmental Consequences

12th - Higher Ed
This video explores the issue of forest fires caused by the palm oil industry in Indonesia. It examines the different perspectives on who is responsible for these fires, with the focus on small-scale farmers who resort to slash and burn...
Instructional Video7:46
Curated Video

Does "Levelling Up" Actually Mean Anything? - TLDR News

12th - Higher Ed
Prime Minister Boris Johnson speaks a lot about "levelling up" a lot - with it being a favourite topic at yesterdays Conservative Party conference. The issue is that it's hard to tell what it actually means, besides being a pretty...
Instructional Video7:26
Curated Video

Is Johnson Politically Un-killable? - TLDR News

12th - Higher Ed
Boris Johnson has never looked politically weaker. Marred with scandal, polling at one of its lowest ebbs and heading into a local election with serious issues. However, it seems he's locked himself in Number 10, so is he politically...
Instructional Video8:59

6 Times Johnson Undermined Democracy - TLDR News

12th - Higher Ed
The Owen Paterson scandal seems to have blown open the issue of government sleaze, so we thought we'd dive deeper and try to see if there are any more good examples. So in this video we uncover 6 examples of when Johnson's goverment have...

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