Lesson Plan

Conducting a Simulation to Estimate the Probability of an Event II

For Teachers 7th Standards
Add some randomization into simulations. The 11th installment in a series of 25 presents two new methods to use in simulations--colored disks, and random numbers. Pupils use random numbers to run simulations where the probabilities make...
Conneticut Department of Education

Personal Finance Project Resource Book

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Balancing a budget, paying taxes, and buying a home may feel out of reach for your high schoolers, but in their adult years they will thank you for the early tips. A set of five lessons integrates applicable money math activities with...
Lesson Plan
Statistics Education Web

Consuming Cola

For Students 9th - 12th Standards
Caffeine affects your heart rate — or does it? Learners study experimental design while conducting their own experiment. They collect heart rate data after drinking a caffeinated beverage, create a box plot, and draw conclusions. They...
Lesson Plan

An Ocean of Energy

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
Young biologists trace the path of the sun's energy through marine ecosystems in the second part of this four-lesson series. Building on prior knowledge about producers, consumers, and decomposers young scholars are introduced to the...