Instructional Video4:27
Curated Video

3 Galaxies That Shouldn't Exist

12th - Higher Ed
The universe is a big place full of galaxies that we've only begun to study. SciShow Space presents 3 of the strangest ones we've found so far.
Instructional Video4:45
Curated Video

Where Do the Biggest Galaxies Come From?

12th - Higher Ed
Submillimeter galaxies are ancient, dense, massive galaxies with up to 10 times the number of stars in the Milky Way, and for a long time, scientists couldn’t even figure out how they existed in the first place.
Instructional Video5:14
Curated Video

How Many Galaxies Are There?

12th - Higher Ed
We've been trying to count the galaxies in the universe since the mid '90s, but our estimates change as our tools improve. So what does our current estimate really mean?
Instructional Video3:06
Curated Video

Envisioning an Ultra-Deep Field from NASA's Roman Space Telescope

3rd - 11th
A team of astrophysicists has created a simulated image that shows how the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope could conduct a mega-exposure similar to but far larger than Hubble’s celebrated Ultra-Deep Field Image. This Hubble observation...
Instructional Video6:39
TED Talks

Henry Lin: What we can learn from galaxies far, far away

12th - Higher Ed
In a fun, exciting talk, teenager Henry Lin looks at something unexpected in the sky: distant galaxy clusters. By studying the properties of the universe's largest pieces, says the Intel Science Fair award winner, we can learn quite a...
Instructional Video3:53

Roswell & New Signals from Space

12th - Higher Ed
With news of radio signals from distant galaxies, a government agency that wants to investigate extra-terrestrial life, and the 66th anniversary of the Roswell Incident, this week has felt like a '90s science fiction melodrama. Hank's...
Instructional Video4:39
TED Talks

TED: A rare galaxy that's challenging our understanding of the universe | Burcin Mutlu-Pakdil

12th - Higher Ed
What's it like to discover a galaxy -- and have it named after you? Astrophysicist and TED Fellow Burcin Mutlu-Pakdil lets us know in this quick talk about her team's surprising discovery of a mysterious new galaxy type.
Instructional Video0:31
Curated Video

James Webb Space Telescope: Worth the Wait

3rd - 11th
Building the James Webb Space Telescope is challenging. It is NASA's most ambitious and complex space science observatory. The mission required 10 new technologies to be invented, the dedication of hundreds of scientists, engineers and...
Instructional Video11:22
Curated Video

How Black Holes Kill Galaxies

12th - Higher Ed
Black holes are really only dangerous if you get too close. Ha, who am I kidding. It turns out they may be responsible for ending star formation across the entire universe. When we first realized that black holes could have masses of...
Instructional Video20:30
Curated Video

The Evolution of the Modern Milky Way Galaxy

12th - Higher Ed
When we scan the heavens with giant telescopes we see galactic cannibalism everywhere. We see moments that appear frozen on the human timescale, but are really snapshots of the incredibly violent process of galaxy formation. This is how...
Instructional Video5:42
Curated Video

Mama, Where Do Galaxies Come From?

12th - Higher Ed
For most of human history, we didn't know that galaxies were a thing. So over the past century, astronomers have been working to understand how galaxies come to be and how they evolve over time. And for a full decade, there was one...
Instructional Video4:33
Curated Video

Why This Galaxy Gets TWO Black Holes

12th - Higher Ed
There’s a massive black hole next door that appears far too big for its host galaxy! And in another galaxy, TWO supermassive black holes formed, giving us a glimpse at a true rarity in astronomy!
Instructional Video4:29
Curated Video

How to Kill a Galaxy

12th - Higher Ed
Our Milky Way galaxy is alive and well, producing new stars all the time. But there’s another group of galaxies out there, populated only by venerable red dwarf stars - the young stars are nowhere to be seen. In effect, these galaxies...
Instructional Video28:03

Early Galaxies Ran on Empty Gas Tanks

12th - Higher Ed
Many galaxies formed fast after the Big Bang, but about half of them suddenly stopped making new stars and it looks like this is literally because they ran out of gas. And with new instruments and techniques, we are now finding lost...
Instructional Video6:03
Curated Video

Meet the Milky Way's Last Big Meal: The Sausage Galaxy

12th - Higher Ed
Our Milky Way Galaxy once dined on the Sausage Galaxy, and Jupiter's auroras seem to be heavily influenced by one of its moons. It's a galaxy-eat-galaxy kind of universe out there!
Instructional Video4:53

Our Galaxy Could Be Full of Exoplanets with Oceans | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
Earlier this spring NASA announced a new research model that predicts that ocean worlds are far from rare, and our galaxy might be full of them. And a new study examines evidence that Pluto may have had an underground ocean all along!
Instructional Video5:07
Curated Video

The Farthest Galaxy We've Ever Seen! | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
Scientists have spotted a galaxy from the early origins of the universe, and found evidence to support the existence of a 9th planet in our solar system.
Instructional Video4:36
Curated Video

Solving Mysteries with the Ancient Galaxies Next Door - SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
Some of the oldest galaxies we’ve ever seen are small, faint satellite galaxies orbiting the Milky Way, and they're providing us with a glimpse of how the universe evolved.
Instructional Video4:53
Curated Video

3 of the Universe’s Most Extreme Galaxies

12th - Higher Ed
With so many galaxies in the universe, some are bound to astound us. Here are three of the most extreme galaxies scientists have discovered so far.
Instructional Video5:11
Curated Video

Our Galaxy Is a Cannibal

12th - Higher Ed
Sometimes galaxies eat each other! It's actually pretty common. And it turns out that our own galaxy, the Milky Way, is pretty hungry.
Instructional Video5:27
Curated Video

Space Headwinds Might Help Us Find Dark Matter

12th - Higher Ed
Some scientists are hoping to use our motion through the galaxy to help detect some of the most elusive particles of all: dark matter.
Instructional Video4:29
Curated Video

There's Alcohol in the Middle of the Galaxy!

12th - Higher Ed
There's a massive cloud in the center of our galaxy, and it's full of alcohol. Party in the Milky Way! But how did it get there? And what does it have to do with the search for life elsewhere in the universe? SciShow Space explains!
Instructional Video4:14
Curated Video

There’s a Rectangle Galaxy?

12th - Higher Ed
You're probably used to real galaxies having curves, except not all of them seem to have gotten the memo.
Instructional Video5:03
Curated Video

This Galaxy Is in the Midst of Dying | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
This week in news, scientists have found a galaxy coming to a smashing end, and a neutron star that's... The most.