Instructional Video7:29
Amoeba Sisters

Genetic Engineering

12th - Higher Ed
Explore an intro to genetic engineering with The Amoeba Sisters. This video provides a general definition, introduces some biotechnology tools that can be used in genetic engineering, and discusses some related vocabulary (such as...
Instructional Video3:35
Curated Video

Genetic Engineering: Applications and Concerns

Higher Ed
This video explains the process of genetic engineering and discusses some of its applications in crop production and medicine. The process involves modifying the genome of an organism to introduce desirable characteristics, such as...
Instructional Video5:10
Curated Video

Exploring the Evolution and Impact of Genetic Engineering in Medicine

12th - Higher Ed
New ReviewThis video provides an overview of genetic engineering, tracing its evolution from a concept in science fiction to a reality in modern science. The video discusses the impact of genetic engineering on precision medicine, gene therapy,...
Instructional Video1:26:28
World Science Festival

CRISPR in Context: The New World of Human Genetic Engineering

6th - 11th
It’s happened. The first children genetically engineered with the powerful DNA-editing tool called CRISPR-Cas9 have been born to a woman in China. Their altered genes will be passed to their children, and their children’s children. Join...
Instructional Video5:54
Curated Video

Gene Technology

12th - Higher Ed
Gene technology includes a range of activities that take advantage of genetic variation, modifying genes and transferring genes to new hosts. It includes genetic engineering and genetic testing. Gene technology is the term given to a...
Instructional Video7:56
Curated Video

Biotechnology and Ethical Issues

Pre-K - Higher Ed
It covers the pros and cons of the practice of genetic manipulation of organisms.
Instructional Video5:08

TED-Ed: Ethical dilemma: Should we get rid of mosquitoes? | Talya Hackett

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Mosquitoes are responsible for more human deaths every year than any other animal, but very few of the 3,500 mosquito species actually transmit deadly diseases to humans. Scientists have been conducting experiments using engineered...
Instructional Video15:53
TED Talks

TED: How CRISPR lets us edit our DNA | Jennifer Doudna

12th - Higher Ed
Geneticist Jennifer Doudna co-invented a groundbreaking new technology for editing genes, called CRISPR-Cas9. The tool allows scientists to make precise edits to DNA strands, which could lead to treatments for genetic diseases ... but...
Instructional Video6:06
Curated Video

CRISPR-Cas9 (Chordettes Parody)

9th - 12th
The science and ethics of the revolutionary gene-editing system CRISPR-Cas9, explained in a biology rendition of The Chordettes' "Mr. Sandman"
Instructional Video4:41
Curated Video

De-Extinction: A Mammoth Undertaking

12th - Higher Ed
De-extinction, or using the power of modern biotechnology to bring back extinct species like mammoths and dinosaurs, would be cool. But is it really as easy as the movies make it look? Or do the cruel hands of time make it impossible?...
Instructional Video1:13:31
World Science Festival

Designer Genes: Fashioning our Biological Future

6th - 11th
Should we limit the use and knowledge of genetics in the case of conception? What about using genetic engineering to make humans healthier—or even enhancing humanity by manipulating DNA? See geneticist George Church, fertility...
Instructional Video15:45
TED Talks

TED: What will humans look like in 100 years? | Juan enriquez

12th - Higher Ed
We can evolve bacteria, plants and animals -- futurist Juan enriquez asks: Is it ethical to evolve the human body? In a visionary talk that ranges from medieval prosthetics to present day neuroengineering and genetics, enriquez sorts out...
Instructional Video10:08
TED Talks

Ellen Jorgensen: Biohacking -- you can do it, too

12th - Higher Ed
We have personal computing -- why not personal biotech? That's the question biologist Ellen Jorgensen and her colleagues asked themselves before opening Genspace, a nonprofit DIY bio lab in Brooklyn devoted to citizen science, where...
Instructional Video7:04
Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell

Genetic Engineering and Diseases—Gene Drive and Malaria

9th - Higher Ed Standards
One thousand children die every day from malaria. Scientists now have the ability to stop this, but the ethical concerns worry many. The video explains both sides of the argument and the amazing science making it all possible.
Instructional Video17:25

Are We Ready for Neo-Evolution

10th - Higher Ed
As technology and medicine continue to make huge leaps, the days of choosing our own genes or the genetic traits of our offspring are right around the corner. Harvey Fineberg takes a look at some of the potential pathways humans may take...