Instructional Video5:05
Brainwaves Video Anthology

Ariel Zych - Science Friday Everyday

Higher Ed
As Science Friday’s education director, Ariel Zych finds ways to empower parents and educators to excite students about science, engineering, and math. She can be seen around the office making messes with new experiments, planning...
Instructional Video5:25

TED-ED: The life cycle of a t-shirt - Angel Chang

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Consider the classic white t-shirt. Annually, we sell and buy 2 billion t-shirts globally, making it one of the most common garments in the world. But how and where is the average t-shirt made, and what's its environmental impact? Angel...
Instructional Video5:07

TED-Ed: There may be extraterrestrial life in our solar system - Augusto Carballido

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Is there extraterrestrial life in our solar system? Or are we alone? Take a journey to the ocean worlds on Jupiter and Saturn to investigate the possibility. -- Deep in our solar system, a new era of exploration is unfolding. Beneath the...
Instructional Video8:14
Let's Tute

Introduction to Environmental Science

9th - Higher Ed
In this video, the speaker explains the concept of environment and its various components, including living and non-living organisms. They also discuss the four spheres that make up the planet Earth and how human activities are affecting...
Instructional Video11:13
Bozeman Science

Ecosystem Ecology

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen explains how ecosystems function. He begins with a description of how life on the planet is ordered from large to small in biomes, ecosystems, communities, population, and individuals. He describes the major...
Instructional Video5:04
Curated Video

Life Cycle Assessment

12th - Higher Ed
Learn the basics about Life cycle assessment. What is the life cycle of a product (before it gets recycled or not) ? What stages does it go through? Find out more in this video!
Instructional Video7:40
Let's Tute

Understanding Environmental Pollution: Types and Causes

9th - Higher Ed
This video discusses the problem of environmental pollution and its three aspects: the introduction of contaminants, the extent to which they are present, and their harm to living beings and the environment. It also covers different...
Instructional Video2:55

Life in a puddle

12th - Higher Ed
In episode 21, Jordan and Charlie chat about the origins of life, polar bears in the summer time and what it takes to limit energy consumption at home.
Instructional Video24:04
Curated Video

‎NASA in Silicon Valley: John Hogan Talks About Life Support in Space

Pre-K - Higher Ed
A conversation with John Hogan, an environmental scientist at the bioengineering branch at NASA’s Ames Research Center.
Instructional Video3:09

The Problem With Life Expectancy

12th - Higher Ed
In order to truly understand differences among animal lifespans, we need to stop thinking about a specific number and start thinking about a distribution.
Instructional Video2:58

Vampire Life is Hard

12th - Higher Ed
Blood-suckers may seem like they have it easy, but feeding on blood comes with a lot of challenges.
Instructional Video3:38

TED-Ed: The science of static electricity - Anuradha Bhagwat

Pre-K - Higher Ed
We've all had the experience: you're walking across a soft carpet, you reach for the doorknob and - ZAP. But what causes this trademark jolt of static electricity? Anuradha Bhagwat sheds light on the phenomenon by examining the nature of...
Instructional Video4:40

TED-ED: Is there a reproducibility crisis in science? - Matt Anticole

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Published scientific studies can motivate research, inspire products, and inform policy. However, recent studies that examined dozens of published pharmaceutical papers managed to replicate the results of less than 25% of them - and...
Instructional Video3:10

The Best Pokémon (According to Science)

12th - Higher Ed
There’s lots of debate as to which original starter Pokémon is the best fighter among squirtle, bulbasaur, charmander, and pikachu, but only one is the most biologically plausible.
Instructional Video29:26

Science Kids: Plastic and Chemical Pollution in Oceans

K - 5th
This video discusses the significant sources of pollution in our oceans, focusing on the impact of chemical waste and plastic pollution. It highlights the consequences of pollution on marine life, human health, and the environment. The...
Instructional Video5:05
Bozeman Science

Ocean Acidification

12th - Higher Ed
In this video Paul Andersen shows how carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is causing a decrease in the pH of the oceans. The carbon dioxide combines with the water to create carbonic acid which dissociates into bicarbonate and carbonate...
Instructional Video8:46
Bozeman Science

Environmental Matter Exchange

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how living organisms exchange matter with the environment. The importance of the surface area to volume ratio is emphasized using a simple mathematical model. The essential chemicals for life; water, carbon,...
Instructional Video2:57

Ocean Confetti!

12th - Higher Ed
Thanks to CSIRO for supporting MinuteEarth. - https://www.csiro.au/en/Research/Facilities/Marine-National-Facility/RV-Investigator Support MinuteEarth on Patreon: https://goo.gl/ZVgLQZ And Subscribe! -...
Instructional Video3:13

TED-Ed: Conserving our spectacular, vulnerable coral reefs - Joshua Drew

Pre-K - Higher Ed
How do coral reef conservationists balance the environmental needs of the reefs with locals who need the reefs to survive? Joshua Drew draws on the islands of Fiji and their exemplary system of protection, called "connectivity", which...
Instructional Video3:46

TED-ED: History through the eyes of the potato - Leo Bear-McGuinness

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Baked or fried, boiled or roasted, as chips or fries; at some point in your life you've probably eaten a potato. But potatoes have played a much more significant role in our history than just that of the dietary staple we have come to...
Instructional Video5:13

TED-ED: Why do whales sing? - Stephanie Sardelis

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Communicating underwater is challenging. Light and odors don't travel well, but sound moves about four times faster in water than in air - which means marine mammals often use sounds to communicate. The most famous of these underwater...
Instructional Video5:22

TED-Ed: The dust bunnies that built our planet - Lorin Swint Matthews

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Investigate the theories surrounding cosmic dust bunnies and discover how the tiny particles could hold the key to the formation of life on Earth. -- Consider the spot where you’re sitting. Travel backwards in time and it might’ve been...
Instructional Video4:08

TED-ED: What can you learn from ancient skeletons? - Farnaz Khatibi

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Ancient skeletons can tell us a great deal about the past, including the age, gender and even the social status of its former owner. But how can we know all of these details simply by examining some old, soil-caked bones? Farnaz Khatibi...
Instructional Video5:14

TED-ED: How do fish make electricity? - Eleanor Nelsen

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Nearly 350 species of fish have specialized anatomical structures that generate and detect electrical signals. Underwater, where light is scarce, electrical signals offer ways to communicate, navigate, find, and sometimes stun prey. But...