Unit Plan
Curated OER

Enter an Enchanged Wood with Shakespeare

For Teachers 5th
Students research William Shakespeare and his literary works. They study a variety of literary terms and different elements of his plays. They also research the Globe Theatre and different elements of the theatre in general.
Unit Plan
Curated OER

The Bard, the Globe, the Midsummer Night's Dream

For Teachers 6th
Students complete a unit of lessons to learn about William Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre. In this William Shakespeare lesson, students complete 7 lessons of activities to study William Shakespeare, the Globe Theatre, and the play 'A...
Unit Plan
Core Knowledge Foundation

Sixth Grade Poetry

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Study some of the most prominent poets and works of poetry in history with a language arts poetry unit. From Virgil to Shakespeare to Dickinson to Angelou, the resources present biographies and examples of poetic elements to the sixth...
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Teaching Julius Caesar: A Differentiated Approach

For Teachers 9th - 12th Standards
While the themes of Julius Caesar may appeal to most readers, the act of reading the play can be a challenge. A unit plan related to the popular play by Shakespeare provides lesson plans and activities designed for differentiated...