Instructional Video5:59
Bozeman Science

AP Biology Lab 8: Population Genetics and Evolution

12th - Higher Ed
Mr. Andersen explains Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and describes the bead lab.
Instructional Video3:20
Curated Video

BIOLOGY - Environment - Sustainable development

12th - Higher Ed
Like all living organisms, humans need resources to live. We need food, clean water and a shelter to live in. A few thousand years ago, this is all we would have wanted - a full stomach and a warm, dry home. But, as the human race has...
Instructional Video3:32

BIOLOGY - Environment - What is organic farming

12th - Higher Ed
As populations have grown, farming practices have become more intensified to maximise crop yields and ensure we can feed the ever growing population. Fertilisers and pesticides are used on crops, and animals may be kept inside in more...
Instructional Video3:10

BIOLOGY - Evolution - Mutations and Natural Selection

12th - Higher Ed
The way we grow and develop in the womb is controlled by our DNA. Small sections of DNA, called genes, carry the code telling the body how to build itself. Usually this works fine, but sometimes those genes carry mistakes in their code....
Instructional Video3:51

The World's Most Abundant Mineral, and Oddball Whales

12th - Higher Ed
SciShow News takes you to the depths of the Earth, where the world’s most abundant mineral is found, and to the Arabian Sea, where a strange population of whales has been living in isolation for 70,000 years!
Instructional Video6:13
Bozeman Science

The Hierarchy of Life

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how biology is ordered in the hierarchy of life. He first of all describes how emergent properties appear as you move to more inclusive systems. The then describes life at the following levels; atom, molecule,...
Instructional Video10:55
Bozeman Science

Logistic Growth

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how populations eventually reach a carrying capacity in logistic growth. He begins with a brief discussion of population size ( N ), growth rate ( r ) and exponential growth. He then explains how density dependent...
Instructional Video9:50
Curated Video

Conservation and Restoration Ecology: Crash Course Ecology

12th - Higher Ed
Hank wraps up the Crash Course on ecology by taking a look at the growing fields of conservation biology and restoration ecology, which use all the kung fu moves we've learned about in the past eleven weeks and apply them to protecting...
Instructional Video12:57
Bozeman Science

Unit 1 Review - Natural Selection

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen reviews the major within the first unit on natural selection. He starts by defining evolution and explaining how evolution can occur in a population. He reviews the population genetics and camouflage lab. He reviews genetic...
Instructional Video11:44
Curated Video

Genetics and The Modern Synthesis: Crash Course History of Science

12th - Higher Ed
Remember how Darwin and Mendel lived around the same time, but everyone forgot about Mendel until 1900, and even then biologists saw Darwinism and Mendelism as two competing grand theories about how life works? Well, in this episode of...
Instructional Video10:08
Bozeman Science

Exponential Growth

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how populations experience exponential. He begins by address the major players; N (population size) and r (growth rate). He models population growth in rabbits through four generations. He then shows you how to use...
Instructional Video10:06
Bozeman Science

Biotic and Abiotic Factors

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen differentiates between biotic and abiotic factors. He explains how both abiotic and biotic factors can affect organisms at the level of the cell, the population and even the ecosystem. The complexities of biofilms,...
Instructional Video11:28
Bozeman Science

Genetic Drift

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen describes genetic drift as a mechanism for evolutionary change. A population genetics simulator is used to show the importance of large population size in neutralizing random change. The near extinction of the northern...
Instructional Video14:05
Bozeman Science


12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how ecosystems interact with biotic and abiotic factors. He explains and gives examples of food chains and food webs. He shows how limiting factors eventually leads to logistic growth. Real data from Yellowstone...
Instructional Video7:07
Bozeman Science

r and K selection

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains the differences between an r and a K selected species. He starts with a brief description of population growth noting the importance of; r or growth rate, N or number of individuals in the population, and K the...
Instructional Video9:02
TED Talks

Andras Forgacs: Leather and meat without killing animals

12th - Higher Ed
By 2050, it will take 100 billion land animals to provide the world's population with meat, dairy, eggs and leather goods. Maintaining this herd will take a huge, potentially unsustainable toll on the planet. What if there were a...
Instructional Video5:25

TED-Ed: Is human evolution speeding up or slowing down? | Laurence Hurst

Pre-K - Higher Ed
In the past 3,000 years, many populations have evolved genetic adaptations to their local environments. People in Siberia and the high arctic are uniquely adapted to survive extreme cold. The Bajau people can dive 70 meters and stay...
Instructional Video13:42
Bozeman Science


12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains the major classification terms in ecology and how a community can be measured by species composition and species diversity. The symbiosis of leaf cutter ants is included. The podcast ends with a discussion of...
Instructional Video8:05
Bozeman Science

Homeostatic Disruptions

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen explains how disruptions in homeostasis can affect biological systems at all levels. He uses the example of dehydration in animals to explain how disruptions at the cellular level can affect an organism. He also uses the...
Instructional Video14:55
Bozeman Science

Unit 4 Review - Homeostasis

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen reviews the major concepts within the fourth unit of the new AP Biology framework. He begins by differentiating between negative and positive feedback loops. He explains how a stable internal environment is maintained...
Instructional Video5:03

These salamanders snack on each other (but don't die) | Luis Zambrano

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Axolotls are one of science's most studied animals. Why, you ask? These extraordinary salamanders are masters of regeneration: they can flawlessly regenerate body parts ranging from amputated limbs and crushed spines to parts of their...
Instructional Video4:16

The First Wild 'Virgin Births'

12th - Higher Ed
Hank shares news about two unusual animals in crisis: the saiga, which have lost about half of their total population in the past month, and the smalltooth sawfish which has been found to reproduce in the wild, without sex.
Instructional Video11:00
Bozeman Science

Statistics for Science

12th - Higher Ed
Paul Andersen introduces science for the science classroom. He starts with a brief description of Big Data and why it is important that we prepare future scientists to deal intelligently with large amounts of data. He explains the...
Instructional Video12:49
TED Talks

TED: Why I study the most dangerous animal on earth -- mosquitoes | Fredros Okumu

12th - Higher Ed
What do we really know about mosquitoes? Fredros Okumu catches and studies these disease-carrying insects for a living -- with the hope of crashing their populations. Join Okumu for a tour of the frontlines of mosquito research, as he...

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