Instructional Video4:55

TED-ED: What is the tragedy of the commons? - Nicholas Amendolare

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Is it possible that overfishing, super germs, and global warming are all caused by the same thing? In 1968, a man named Garrett Hardin sat down to write an essay about overpopulation. Within it, he discovered a pattern of human behavior...
Instructional Video5:03

TED-Ed: The science of smog - Kim Preshoff

Pre-K - Higher Ed
On July 26, 1943, Los Angeles was blanketed by a thick gas that stung people’s eyes and blocked out the Sun. Panicked residents believed their city had been attacked using chemical warfare. But the cloud wasn’t an act of war. It was...
Instructional Video5:42
Curated Video

Quarrying - economic, environmental and social effects

12th - Higher Ed
Learn the basics about quarrying, its economic advantages and disadvantages concerning environment and healthy living. What is quarrying? and how does it affect us and our environment? Find out more in this video!
Instructional Video8:23
Curated Video

What is Evolution: A REALLY SIMPLE and Brief Explanation

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Evolution “is the net change in organisms or a population over the span of many generations.” This change in organisms or populations happens through DNA mutations and reconbination and is passed down to the next generation through...
Instructional Video1:24
Visual Learning Systems

What Is Science?: Careers in Science

9th - 12th
This instructive video describes what makes science different from other disciplines, while highlighting many exciting science career opportunities. Concepts and terminology: observing, solving problems, health, career, education, and...
Instructional Video3:51
Curated Video

What Is Carbon Neutral and Biofuels

12th - Higher Ed
Learn the basics about carbon neutral and biofuels, as a part of environmental chemistry. Coal, oil, natural gas, shale gas and gas from fracking are fossil fuels formed hundreds of millions of years ago from living things that got...
Instructional Video7:40
Let's Tute

Understanding Environmental Pollution: Types and Causes

9th - Higher Ed
This video discusses the problem of environmental pollution and its three aspects: the introduction of contaminants, the extent to which they are present, and their harm to living beings and the environment. It also covers different...
Instructional Video5:16

TED-Ed: What would happen if every human suddenly disappeared? - Dan Kwartler

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Human beings are everywhere. With settlements on every continent, we can be found in the most isolated corners of Earth's jungles, oceans and tundras. Our impact is so profound, most scientists believe humanity has left a permanent mark...
Instructional Video4:19

TED-Ed: Why is biodiversity so important? - Kim Preshoff

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Our planet's diverse, thriving ecosystems may seem like permanent fixtures, but they're actually vulnerable to collapse. Jungles can become deserts, and reefs can become lifeless rocks. What makes one ecosystem strong and another weak in...
Instructional Video4:23

Oh No...Is Nature Going to Make Climate Change WORSE?! | SciShow News

12th - Higher Ed
Photosynthesis plays a huge role in regulating the earth's CO2. But what happens when the temperature gets high enough that photosynthesis slows down?
Instructional Video28:35
Natural History Museum

What is environmental DNA? | Live talk with NHM scientist

K - 11th
We mostly think of DNA as something we find inside the cells of living things, but actually it’s all around us. It’s in the ground, in the water and even in the air! What’s it doing there? How can we study it? What can we learn from it?...
Instructional Video5:25

TED-ED: The life cycle of a t-shirt - Angel Chang

Pre-K - Higher Ed
Consider the classic white t-shirt. Annually, we sell and buy 2 billion t-shirts globally, making it one of the most common garments in the world. But how and where is the average t-shirt made, and what's its environmental impact? Angel...
Instructional Video4:23

TED-Ed: How do animals see in the dark? - Anna Stockl

Pre-K - Higher Ed
To human eyes, the world at night is a formless canvas of grey. Many nocturnal animals, on the other hand, experience a rich and varied world, bursting with details, shapes, and colors. What is it, then, that separates moths from men?...
Instructional Video7:07
Curated Video

Environmental Science – Grad, Div and Curl (1/3)

9th - 11th
Introduction to this gradient vector. What is meant by 'steepness of a path' on a hillside? (Part 1 of 3) Playlist link - http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB4CDD2976B5FE747 Transcript link -...
Instructional Video4:30
Curated Video

What Is Environmental Sampling?

12th - Higher Ed
From this video you will learn that ecologists are interested in the distribution of organisms within habitats, and use transects and quadrats and other sampling methods to collect quantitative data. They take unbiased and representative...
Instructional Video2:39

Why The Ocean Needs Salt

12th - Higher Ed
Our oceans don’t technically contain salt, but the ions salt is made of play a critical role in planet-wide processes that make the Earth habitable.
Instructional Video3:25
Curated Video

What Is The Water Cycle

12th - Higher Ed
Science, Chemistry, learn, Revision, GCSE, Alevels, AQA, students free online courses video science videos, student, fuseschool, global education, ict4d, Water (Chemical Compound), Water Cycle, Environmental Chemistry (Field Of Study),...
Instructional Video2:33
Curated Video

What Is The Carbon Cycle - Part 2

12th - Higher Ed
Watch part 2 of the videos on the Carbon Cycle, as a part of environmental chemistry. Photosynthesis and respiration help carbon to be cycled in nature by using energy from the sun. As living things grow, they have to build up large...
Instructional Video3:32

BIOLOGY - Environment - What is organic farming

12th - Higher Ed
As populations have grown, farming practices have become more intensified to maximise crop yields and ensure we can feed the ever growing population. Fertilisers and pesticides are used on crops, and animals may be kept inside in more...
Instructional Video5:12
Curated Video

What Is Water Pollution

12th - Higher Ed
Learn the basics about water pollution, whilst learning about environmental chemistry. The substances mankind throws away have polluted lakes, rivers and even the oceans. The United Nations estimate that around 10% of the world’s people...
Instructional Video3:24
Curated Video

What Is The Carbon Cycle - Part 1| Environmental Chemistry

12th - Higher Ed
Watch the first part of our Carbon Cycle videos, as part of environmental chemistry. Photosynthesis and respiration help carbon to be cycled in nature by using energy from the sun. As living things grow, they have to build up large...
Instructional Video3:55

What Is The Hole In The Ozone - Part 2

12th - Higher Ed
Learn some more about the hole in the ozone, as a part of environmental chemistry. The hole in the ozone layer has become thinner, mainly due to CFC’s. CFCs are inert stable molecules and were once the wonder chemical. They were...
Instructional Video4:36
Curated Video

What Is A Species?

12th - Higher Ed
Carl Linnaeus classified all living things into groups based upon their physical features. His system placed organisms with the most similar characteristics together in a group he called the “species”. A species is defined as all...
Instructional Video2:54
Curated Video

What is GOES-R?

3rd - 11th
The GOES-R series, NOAA's next-generation geostationary weather satellites, is a game changer. These satellites will provide continuous imagery and atmospheric measurements of Earth’s Western Hemisphere, total lightning data, and space...