University of Iowa
Every Atom: Walt Whitman’s “Song of Myself”
Discussion questions for Walt Whitman's "Son of Myself" ask class members to reflect on the beauty that can be found in labor, the sense of identity that transcends divisions, and on the many riddles in Whitman's poem. ...
University of Iowa
Reading Racetrack Sight Word Activity
Vroom! Get your learners reading as fast as race cars with an engaging Dolch sight words. As class members read the assigned words, they move along a race track to mark their progress.
University of Iowa
The Editorial Cartoons of j.n. 'Ding' Darling (1876 1962)
This collection celebrates the work of journalist Jay N. "Ding" Darling. Twice awarded the Pulitzer Prize for syndicated editorial cartoons, you can browse his collection by topic, people, or events. Includes biographical information and...
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: Small Comets
This site provides extensive information on the controversial theory that there are millions of small comets which continually burn up yearly in the earth's atmosphere.
University of Iowa
University of Iowa Library: Famous People of Iowa
Find famous people hailing from Iowa. Search by name, date or topic of fame.
University of Iowa
University of Iowa Library: Famous People of Iowa
Find famous people hailing from Iowa. Search by name, date or topic of fame.
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: Laos Keeps Its Urns
There is no end to the mysteries on this earth - witness the Plain of Jars in Laos. Where did they come from? What were they used for? Theories are provided as well as large pictures of the jars and areas in Laos.
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: Diffusion in the History of African States
Click on "Asante," for a description of African states during this political transition. Links to related information.
University of Iowa
Ui: Sociological Theories of Deviance: Definitions and Considerations [Pdf]
In this lesson, students participate in a jigsaw activity to learn about the major theories of social deviance - anomie theory, control, differential association, and labeling. They then examine the Zoot Suit Riots of 1943 while applying...
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: Art and Life in Africa
A comprehensive resource about African art and cultures.
University of Iowa
Streaming Videos of Burkina Faso and Ghana
Dozens of streaming videos to view based on African art and culture. View examples of how masks are used in festivals and ceremonies, how pottery is formed and fired, art that is created for everyday living, weaving on a loom, funeral...
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: Arts and Life in Africa: People Resources
Essential information on African countries and African peoples assembled by the University of Iowa.
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: A Brief Cultural History of Iowa
Read the interesting story about the many different cultures that influenced the state of Iowa throughout its history.
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: Flintknapping
Although not specifically about Clovis points, this article shows how early man made arrowheads and other stone tools through a process called flintknapping.
University of Iowa
The Keith/albee Collection: The Vaudeville Industry, 1894 1935
Find out about the vaudeville circuit of Albee and Keith from the manager reports, play bills, and trade newspapers included in this collection from the University of Iowa.
University of Iowa
U Iowa: Continue to Learn: Child Labor Public Education Project: Causes
An article going into depth identifying what the causes are that have led to child labor still existing around the world in the 21st Century despite many laws and regulations.
University of Iowa
Bringing History Home: My History at School
This unit introduces children to the concept of history as a story. By focusing on their experiences at school, students connect history concepts with personal experience and learn history using primary sources from their own lives. This...
University of Iowa
University of Iowa Libraries: Gender Equality in Sports
This site has several informational links to the equality law, Title IX, the history of this law dating back form 1972, some of the lawsuits steming from Title IX and several other informative links.
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: Iowa Tests of Basic Skills
This site explains the sections of the Iowa testing program. If you have an interest in learning more than just the basics, the menu on the left offers a more in depth look of the test's features.
University of Iowa
Univ. Of Iowa: Introduction to Organic Molecules and Functional Groups [Pdf]
This PDF shows many examples of organic molecules and functional groups.
University of Iowa
Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist: Early Paleoindian Period
Clovis and Folsom projectile points tell archaeologists a lot about the distribution of Paleoindians across North America. Read about these points, how they were made, and where these points were found in Iowa.
University of Iowa
University of Iowa Libraries: The Atlas of Early Printing
View this interactive reference tool to learn about the history of printing in Europe during the fifteenth century. Features a map that displays layers of information that can be viewed together or individually along with a timeline of...
University of Iowa
University of Iowa: Voting and Elections
Although this site from the University of Iowa seems to be an outline for a course, it offers many tutorials such as "A Brief Illustrated History of Voting" and "Chad, Hanging Chad and Pregnant Chad." Most of the site, however, is...
University of Iowa
Child Labor in u.s. History
Article that summarizes the history of child labor in the United States with a timeline of events that occurred in the U.S. labor movement and with child labor reform from 1832 up to 1938 and the Fair Labor Standards Act. Provides links...